It is also possible to keep them in groups as they are highly social animals. Who knew, right? What Reginald failed to do, however, was to research the law in New Jersey regarding exotic pets such as pet alligators. In Florida, the laws regarding exotic and wild animals as pets is specified inFLA. ADMIN. Madona AB 25 by Dzvnieku brvba is licensed under CC BY 2.0. If you are confident that you can properly care for one of the pets, then speak with a trusted breeder. Exotic Pets and Where They Can Be Owned 1. There are special licenses that allow you to keep wildlife for rehabilitation, falconry, or scientific collection. She holds a Bachelors in Agricultural Technology and has extensive experience in animal health and welfare. Overall, they are docile, friendly snakes. Mississippi Map Turtle 11. Question: Is it legal to have a pet opossum in Florida? 10 Exotic Pets That Are Legal in Florida - PetHelpful on May 01, 2019: I had colonies of hissing roaches for ten to 15 yrs. Last year, a man was reportedly mauled by a black leopard at a backyard zoo in Davie. They like to eat vegetables, fruits, and even sometimes various dog or cat foods. Capybaras are the largest rodent in the world, they can stand over three feet tall and weigh up to 150 pounds! The Exotic Pet Amnesty Program promotes responsible pet ownership and helps prevent nonnative animals from being released into the wild by providing exotic pet owners who can no longer keep their pets with a legal and responsible alternative to releasing them. This type of gecko is native to the deserts of the Middle East. Interstate (Movement Between States) Exotic Animals Imported into Florida It may take a while to get used to handling them safely. Florida Administrative Code Chapters: 5C-3, 5C-4. You must have a permit, which includes an emergency plan, to own most wild mammals in Delaware. They tend to form a strong bond with their handler for up to 50 years. Permit: Required. What exotic pets are legal in Florida? Red-Footed Tortoises are found mostly found in the savannas and forests of Panama, Paraguay and Brazil. Florida's flying squirrelssmuggled abroad in the thousands - Animals Copyright 2021 They like to eat mice and small rats, so they suit owners who are comfortable feeding other animals to their pet. Florida has specific regulations for wolf hybrid owners. Question: Is it illegal to own an African porcupine in Florida? Florida also has an Exotic Pet Amnesty Day, which allows people to turn in unwanted or illegal exotic pets while educating the public about pet care. I went through the container refuse and put it in dry ice. These animals should never be purchased by first-time exotic pet owners, and they require a large enclosure and specific temperatures. If you live in an apartment or an area governed by a homeowners association, then you may have even more regulations. Question: Do you need a permit to own a squirrel? They are normally tame if they are raised and bottle-fed by their owner. Any wild animal that you find should be taken to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. In most cases, the law applies to exotic and native wildlife. Wolf hybrids, unlike other dogs, are considered captive wildlife and not pets. Good luck raising a tarantula. Indiana is one of the most lenient states when it comes to owning exotic pets. %PDF-1.7 % White-tailed deer, axis deer, and the smaller dog-sized muntjac deer are examples of deer that are kept as pets. Johnathan leads the Everything Reptiles editorial team as our Editor in Chief. SeeSourcefor more details. The Hedgehog is a cute and unique animal that is relatively easy to care for. Llama 10. Many see New Guinea Singing Dogs as just another breed of canine that has descended from feral dogs, but others consider them to be a 'wild dog' like a wolf or jackal. Do you have enough experience and space to keep one? There are very few animals that people living in Kansas cannot own. _hm|_Vipqz6JEJ)bbuFi%_YTl>x-#.y5 X(B|wd7f Yy:Q$z3W=k/E<3=9 pZHoH4Z>e&oMpx\ig[&(Jq>DF1bOCG0,TuaDAgEmdP@KETSItfJ [=tJ===dl{gAm>{ `Nuskzqn2[EcR3"iDu[XM 4m C`]GWWW)N3>mFo m~AjgNyZKFH';S>mapj[vuDa4w &WIb!qAr%OJqwU=S{nN{wlO?o&: u*s/7,]]-N3|Au`b-0 53x;ExUZywr~T p For more detailed information: Captive Wildlife Permits. Fruit Bat by David Blaikie is licensed under CC BY 2.0. A permit may be given for scientific and educational purposes by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Compared to the chinchilla, shes very easy to care for! Sign up forour monthly enewsletterto stay up to date on what's happening in Florida, upcoming events and special deals. Be included in our Business Directory. Everything Reptiles is the authoritative reptile magazineused by all reptile keepers and enthusiastsas a trusted source of information. Animal Movement / Animals / Consumer Resources / Home - Florida Here are some things to keep in mind when making your decision. Do you have a favorite? Only several birds and aquarium-dwelling species are legal exotic pets in this unique state, with peafowl (a.k.a peacocks and peahens) being considered poultry. You do not need a license for llamas, alpacas, bison, European ferrets, ostriches, yaks, sugar gliders, chinchillas, and alligators. I do, however, truly appreciate that this state has taken the time to figure out how to regulate exotic pets fairly without stripping people of their rights. The exotic pet industry is worth $15 billion a year. They are unique but require a lot of enclosure space for their size. Before taking on an exotic pet, make sure that it is legal and that the animal will do well in its new environment. You need a permit to keep non-domestic even-toed ungulates, tapirs, rhinoceroses, Asian and African elephants, along with nonhuman primates in South Dakota. Florida's Nonnative Fish and Wildlife | FWC Any cat must be from a breed listed in a national or international multi-cat registry. This animal needs someone who has previously cared for unusual animals. It's important to make sure these critters get the homes they deserve with someone who has plenty of knowledge on their care and keeping. Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks are small lizards and do not need a lot of space. Possession of prohibited animals is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $1,000 fine for individuals and a $10,000 for organizations. Macaws do need a large space. They are very popular due to their handleability and ease of care. PERMIT along with Certificate of Veterinary Inspection within 30 days (Owner-Shipper Statement if exempt) required for import of restricted animals (Permit for Movement of Restricted Animals)REQUIREMENTS: PERMIT allowed for wild-caught fox, skunk, bat, raccoon, or whitetail deer for scientific, educational, exhibition, propagation, management or other justifiable purposes or for exhibition or sale. Most turtle owners buy large turtle aquariums to house this species (pictured above). It is only possible to find wild Chinchillas in the mountains of northern Chile. Class II animals are allowed only with a permit: Howler monkeys, Uakaris, Mangabeys, Guenons, Bearded sakis, Guereza monkeys, Celebes black apes, dris, Macaques, Langurs, Douc langurs, Snub-nosed langurs, Proboscis monkeys, Servals, European and Canadian lynx Cougars, panthers, Bobcats, Cheetahs, Caracals, African golden cats, Temmincks golden cats, Fishing cats, Ocelots, Clouded leopards, Coyotes, Gray wolves, Red wolves, Asiatic jackals, Black-backed jackals, Side-striped jackals, Indian dholes, African hunting dogs, Wolverines , Honey badgers, American badgers, Old World badgers,Binturongs, Hyenas, Dwarf crocodiles, Alligators cainans, Ostrich, Cassowary. Leaving your bird in its cage to sit all day is not a good life. She owns and operates a small farm in upstate New York which she shares with three dogs, four donkeys, one mule, and a cat. These patterned lines resemble contour lines on an elevation map. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Name, primary and secondary phone, email, physical and mailing address, number of terrapins, and caging description, Exhibition/Education also requires institution/program name (if applicable), type of institution/program, institution/program physical and mailing address, description of educational exhibit, and proposal with scope of exhibition/education with program type, hours, if public accessible, costs or fees to public, brief history, and lesson plans, Photographs showing head and tail from top and side, Authorization to send request for additional information, Answer whether found guilty of wildlife violations or had fish or wildlife permit suspended or revoked, Must contact FWC and amend the permit for any information change, BANS breeding for pets AND males/females must be separate unless sterlized - breeding must be authorized for exhibition/education, Enclosure must be 5x shell length x 2x shell width of largest one with temperature regulation device that is non-injurious, non-injurious substrate like gravel or carpet, pool of water 2x shell width by 2x shell width and deep enough for submersion based on largested terrapin, and dry resting area, (Exhibit/Education) Need minimum 12 educational engagement/48 hours annually, (Exhibit/Education) Permanently displayed terrapins must be available for viewing during hours of operation, (Exhibit/Education) Need detailed report of activities, (Exhibit/Education) Must submit permit renewals 45 days prior to expiration, EXEMPT: as allowed under scientific collection permits or other state or federal permit, EXEMPT: take and incidental take of federally endangered or threatened species authorized by USFWS or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations National Marine Fisheries Service exempt from state permit unless state permit specifically authorized under written agreement with them - if no federal permit required, then no state permit is required. Large, colorful parrots known as Macaws have caused serious injuries to owners. Many can live up to 20 years with the correct husbandry and an owner interested in learning how to care for them. They need a large area for plenty of exercise. Beginners who have cared for other reptiles can quite easily care for these tortoises. It is against the law to keep lions, tigers, leopards, ocelots, jaguars, cheetahs, margays, mountain lions, Canada lynxes, bobcats, jaguarundis, hyenas, wolves, bears, nonhuman primates, or coyotes in Missouri. Personal pet permits are only issued for animals which are captive bred and are obtained from a legal licensed source.