No reason to be rude to someone doing their job. To posters 190 and 191: Thank you for your input and advice. Person 33. Should you answer personal questions from the American Community Survey If you are contacted by Census Bureau employees, either by telephone or in person, demanding your response, you can assert your rights by politely, but firmly, informing the employee that you believe the ACS is an improper invasion of your privacy, that you do not intend to respond and that they should not attempt to contact you again. They are the ones making the money tax free - not me. You need to stop peering in my window and you need to leave right away." You wonder why people are reluctant to give out information. All I can think of is that every time one of us gives in and allows this servant to go unchallenged, then they get bolder, prouder, and we get used to it and then we are eventually abused by them. And for every intentionally false response to a question, the fine is $500. A few visits to my door that went unanswered, a few letters filled with empty threats, and after a month or so, and it all subsided. We have starving, homelessness, government corruption. The states collect the tax and turn the money over to the federal government. US Census, American Community Survey data collection: Beneficial, or mandatory. Person 18a. A Census Bureau representative is quoted in this report as saying that the Bureau is really not in the business of prosecuting people who dont comply.[33] However, a refusal to answer the survey violates the letter of the law and a prosecution might be brought if the government decides to adopt a policy to do so. Don't know if it's the "bureau" calling or not, but I'm ready for them. However, because the government has not brought a prosecution for a refusal to respond to the ACS, the question of a persons right to refuse has not yet been decided by a court. For another 22, the information is used to aid advocacy groups, and in nine of those cases, the Census Bureau states that the responses will be used by advocacy groups to advocate for policies that benefit their groups, including advocacy based on age,[23] race,[24] sex,[25] and marital status.[26]. They came to my door at all hours. Please give that a shot, I'll find me a constitutional lawyer and challenge the constitutionality of this law, any survey or law attached and the constitutionality of this survey as well as the census survey. In the article above, it mentions the fine is per offense; but I did not read that anywhere in Title 13. The American Community Survey releases new data every year, in the form of estimates, in a variety of tables, tools, and analytical reports. "Only a few questions"? I will not yield. She left. Do they ever stop with this? This appears to be the same scenario as the ACS. How many is all they need to know. They want me to call an 800 number to give them my personal info. The ACS asks dozens of questions on a wide variety of topics to gather information about the demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics of the population. I just got a pretty harassing phone call from a census lady, who said I would be fined if I didn't fill this crap out. Was the government going to send us all birthday presents when they came around? And so is mine. As a consequence, conspiracy theories flourished and quickly spread. Although I suspect it's really only one or two of you. You'd better hope that you are aren't one of the unlucky three. on the back it says dec 31 2011 is when approval from OMB expires. You have no idea. Asking for federal money or federal representation is a huge mistake. Why don't they survey me to find out my opinion on illegal immigrants, unemployment benefits to people who have barely held a job down in their life, giving child care benefits to unwed mothers who just keep popping out babies to numerous baby-daddies, who will never pay into the system so that I can collect Social Security when I want to finally retire after 50 years of non-stop work,or putting this country into mega-debt while giving money to impoverished countries that will never help us or appreciate us. When you are counted, it helps to decide the number of representatives a state can get, as well as determining federal funding for schools and hospitals. Good Question: Is the 'American Community Survey' real or fake? - WHEC Three times they were soaked standing at my door. We haven't been bothered since. For these reasons and likely more, the ACS has been said to be unanswered by about 45% of its recipients. I wish I would have kept the census person's name. We aren't answering these questions for anyone unless they show up and arrest me and a judge makes me do it in court. I didn't argue or discuss it, just stated the truth and hung up immediately. Too late I read the comments about this article and I got a phone call from the ACS. "Popcorn? It sure the hell is. This info is also for the number of State Senators and Congressmen. It has been done since 1790, and is mandated by the Constitution. ENUMERATION NATION: Refusing The American Community Survey At what location did this person work last week? But I can promise I'll promptly feed it to my hungry paper shredder. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct., The power to make laws concerning the Census is restricted to the actual enumeration.. If they want more personal financial information, then I suggest they get it from the IRS. A man was arrested and charged with attempting to place an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft after his bag triggered an alarm at Lehigh Valley International Airport in Pennsylvania, US . [31] I see a lot of people have more courage than me. Then you've got them by the balls. I felt like cursing this lady out! It's hard to believe that a patriotic, high school social studies teacher, and law-abiding citizen, such as myself, could be compelled to suggest such civil disobedience--but here I am, and hear me loud. my wife and I pay our taxes and feel if that's not enough for our government, then "Too bad Charlie". I sent in the Census form (and that's all I'm required to provide). Our town boasts 90,000 citizens, but we know there are at least an additional 10,000 illegals here (yes, here in Mexifornia). My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. The next day I saw this guy talking to my neighbor and figured he was submitting him to the same harassment I had received. 4) If they do not agree to answer any personal questions, assume the Hannibal Lecter voice and say "Tut, tut, tut. Miss. Has anyone else who refused to comply have any information about penalties/fines actually being enforced to date? I'm planning on returning it blank, with a letter stating the reason for not complying is the OMB# expiration. Thank Gosh, I documented every call and person I spoke with. So glad I came across this website while researching whether or not I had to respond to this stupid ACS I just got in the mail. It's just another way to peg the American people to find out who's doing what. There's no excuse for making a living out of trying to intimidate American citizens and using lies about the law to create a threatening and harassing atmosphere on one's own private property. I then slammed the door shut. so no more. And the big 2010 census is coming and they can't have ANY negative publicity. My first question is: which section authorizes ACS? These people are trying to "do their jobs", but there are better ways to make a living, one that doesn't help enslave Americans even further with more "government help" and ultimately, taxation. He asked if I was refusing to answer the survey. You want me to put the popcorn in the freezer?" That this money is funding from the government, which makes it socialism. The Bureau lists 35 different categories of questions on its website and offers an explanation on how the information is to be used. My husband and daughter fielded a few of them and honestly told the workers they didn't have the information or the form so they'd have to try to catch me. One fact I see missing is that they say you are cheating you state and city out of government funds (our tax dollars). [It does not appear that Census is proposing any changes to the ACS instrument.] Or maybe they're going to start sending happy birthday cards to everybody soon. Subscribe. but who gets the census??? The calls/personal visits stopped. This has been going on for almost three months and has caused tremendous stress in our household. The last person who called our home sounded like he was contracted through India? Subscribe to GovDelivery email updates to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events about the American Community Survey. I thought the purpose of census was for representation purposes. I filled out my form, sent it in and a few weeks later another one came. With the census bureau losing over 600 laptops, and the current abuses of power, I see no reason to give out the information that they are asking. The Institutes mission is twofold: to provide legal services in the defense of civil liberties and to educate the public on important issues affecting their constitutional freedoms. I say, "I don't care who you are. If the stories in this thread are true, those census workers are scum. Year: 2021. In fact, the ACS launched in 2005 to replace the census "long form." The census taker left a note me a note today. I said I did not need any help. How about the number of cars that are normally in your driveway if everyone is home? I think someone should have a web cam ready when they come to the door. This is a bunch of crap. The woman was carrying a clip board. Let's see if she comes back for her shower. So when/if I get a visit, I can inform them of this. Spending good taxpayer dollars on another social joke. This is ridiculous. Optimize Your Non-Profit with Census Data. With Halloween right around the corner, how about scare the crap out of them. If one of these goons shows up at your door you should immediately get out your camera phone or camcorder and put it right in their face and turn it on. Why doesn't the gov just sell us some cyanide instead of slowly picking away at our bones? A 72 year old lady showed up at my door yesterday (I being a 65 year old great grandmother), and told me I did not fill my form out properly and it got "kicked out".