You could not be signed in. Friedrich Nietzsche, To forget ones purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Given the hidden depths of German culture, and how many people in the world Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes There is always some madness in love. Translation: He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. Retrieved from, Hollingdale, R. J. Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature, boundlessly extravagant, boundlessly indifferent, without purpose or consideration, without pity or justice, at once fruitful and barren and uncertain: imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a powerhow COULD you live in accordance with such indifference? THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA. This site uses cookies. Friedrich Nietzsche, The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception. PDF Zur Genealogie Der Moral Eine Streitschrift Reclams Universal var gptAdSlots = gptAdSlots || []; You had your choice between Lodge and Wilson. These quotes will have the entire Brauhaus chuckling in no time. English Translation: All time that is not experienced with the heart is lost time. Or God merely a mistake of mans? var ue_sid = "654-1054837-6029735"; Many people will tell you that the secret to enjoying life is to appreciate the little things or to gain the affections of a cat. Want to improve this question? What does "Gleich am Bahnsteig gegenber." Friedrich Nietzsche - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Digressions, objections, delight in mockery, carefree mistrust are signs of health; everything unconditional belongs in pathology. } var sourcesToHideBuyFeatures = ["ebfg_gr", "ebfg_fb", "ebfg_fbm", "ebfg_tw", The translation of morality into the metaphysical, as force, cause, end in itself, was HIS work. maintain that willing the eternal recurrence of the same is a necessary step if the bermensch is to create new values, untainted by the spirit of gravity or asceticism. Your great friends wouldn't perish, struck down by your smallness.. [18] In defiance of nationalist doctrines, he claimed that he and Germany were great only because of "Polish blood in their veins",[19] and that he would "[have] all anti-semites shot." They can provide you with more insight into what they mean and even point you in the directions of more beautiful and wise German quotes. Quotes ; Topics & Tags ; Authors ; Quote of the day ; Quotes. }, There is always some madness in love. English Translation: It's a German necessity to speak badly of the government over a beer. Friedrich Nietzsche, There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy. pubID: '3211', adServer: 'googletag', bidTimeout: 4e3, params: { aps_privacy: '1YN' } Here are some of their best thoughts. Oh, you noble Stoics, what fraud of words! And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. Nietzsche refers to this crucial paradigm shift as a reevaluation of values. nietzsche quotes in german with translation If youve heard or used this quote in English, well, now you know how its said in the original language. greatest German literary figures of the modern era. I don't believe you really want an answer. 1 Answer. function q(c, r) { Project Gutenberg. morals quotes by friedrich nietzsche. You dropped the theory of sexuality and chose his theory of cultural adaptation, which left you hanging in mid-air. In this quote, that seems to be what poet Rainer Marie Rilke believed was the key to a satisfying existence. All that is born of weakness. } stylesheet.rel = "stylesheet"; Everything dies, everything blossoms again; eternally runs the year of being. [context inside]. Given all the scientific discoveries Einstein either directly made or inspired, its not surprising that he approached everything with a healthy curiosity and an open mind. This quote about the importance of being aware of the beauty of the world around us comes from the novelist and short-story writer Franz Kafka. Weave a thread into it every day and eventually it becomes unbreakable., Der Schlssel zum Erfolg ist Kameradschaft und der Wille, alles fr den anderen zu geben. Fritz Walter, German footballer (also the name behind Fritz Walter weather), Translation: The key to success is companionship and the will to give everything for the other., Die guten sind immer umstritten. Boris Becker, German tennis player, Translation: The good ones are always controversial., *Man lernt nirgendwo so viel, wie in den eigenen Fehlern. Udo Jrgens, Austrian-Swiss composer, Translation: You learn nowhere so much as in your own mistakes., Wenn du die Phase der Euphorie nicht erlebt hast und die Phase der Traurigkeit, dann wirst du nichts Bedeutendes schaffen. Udo Jrgens, Austrian-Swiss composer, Translation: If you have not experienced the phase of euphoria and the phase of sadness, then you will not accomplish anything significant., *Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist wie sie ist, es wr' nur deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt. Die rzte, German band, Translation: It is not your fault that the world is what it is, it would only be your fault if it stays that way., Jedes Problem, das man bewltigt, bringt einen in der Zukunft weiter. - He, who is master of himself and has command over his emotions, has at his feet the whole wide world and everything therein. enciclopedia libre. But there is also always some reason in madness. Looking for a kick-up-the-butt to get stuff done, and learn some wonderful new vocabulary? For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything. url = ""; The thought of Nietzsche had an important influence on anarchist authors. The made-up word "mehrwollhaben" seems to be a mistaken quote by the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre in his book After Virtue. As an academic classicist Nietzsche himself translated between German, Greek, and Latin, but his command of modern foreign languages was relatively unimpressive, and he viewed language learning as a necessary evil, looking forward to the time when a new lingua franca would obviate the need for language learning or translation at all. (1961), page 44 English translation of Zarathustra's prologue; "I love those who do not first seek beyond the stars for reasons to go down and to be sacrifices: but who sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth may one day belong to the Superman", Nietzsche, F. (1885) p. 4, Original publication "Ich liebe die, welche nicht erst hinter den Sternen einen Grund suchen, unterzugehen und Opfer zu sein: sondern die sich der Erde opfern, dass die Erde einst des bermenschen werde. 21 Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes That'll Change The Way You Think Friedrich Nietzsche, The Dawn, God is dead. } setDisplayBids: function() {}, Whether youre looking to use quotes to help you learn German or you want some beautiful words to brighten up your day, youll find them right here. Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes which are better known in youth to not to Regret in Old Age.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, prose poet, cult. Aus den Steinen, die Dir in den Weg gelegt werden, kannst du etwas Schnes bauen. Erich Kstner, German poet, Translation: From the stones that block your way, you can build something beautiful., Arbeit ist schwer, ist oft genug ein freudloses und mhseliges Stochern; aber nicht arbeiten das ist die Hlle. Thomas Mann, German novelist and social critic, Translation: Having a job is hard, and is often enough a joyless and laborious game; but to not work that's hell., *In uns selbst liegen die Sterne unseres Glcks. Heinrich Heine, German poet and essayist, Translation: Within ourselves lie the stars of our happiness., Nicht in die ferne Zeit verliere dich! Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. You murdered Wilson. But this is an old and everlasting story: what happened in old times with the Stoics still happens today, as soon as ever a philosophy begins to believe in itself. translation - What does this mean? It's a quote by Nietzsche - German If so, how close was it? function getCookieWithoutJQuery(name) { He was not otherwise much exercised by questions of translation, though, and when he uses the German word for translation (bersetzung), the majority of instances are figurative. Here is a sampling of some of the most beautiful German quotes out there. However this is about Nietzsche, I think one source for the quote is. It makes one strain ones eyes all the time, and in the end one finds more than one might have wished. Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes - German Culture You tortured and humiliated the great Galileo, from whose inventions you are still benefiting, and now, in the twentieth century, you have brought the methods of the Inquisition to a new flowering. 70,081 free ebooks. Although I'm not yet sure about the universe., Fr Fuball wrde ich einfach alles tun, fr Sex nicht ganz so viel. Sebastian Schweinsteiger, German football player, Translation: Id do anything for football. What does not kill me makes me stronger (German: Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich strker) is part of aphorism number 8 from the "Maxims and Arrows" section of Friedrich Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols (1888). What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger - Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more to be than a good dancer. !function(){function n(n,t){var r=i(n);return t&&(r=r("instance",t)),r}var r=[],c=0,i=function(t){return function(){var n=c++;return r.push([t,[],0),n,{}]),i(n)}};n._s=r,this.csa=n}(); 1. Friedrich Nietzsche Motivation, Flying High, Aviation Don't seek an easy life, seek strength. Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point. var cookiePair = cookie.split('='); It is quoted or alluded to by many other works, with minor variants in wording: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. But there is also always some reason in madness. ? Let us not underestimate the privileges of the mediocre. Wir weben jeden Tag einen Faden, und schlielich knnen wir es nicht mehr zerreien. Thomas Mann, German novelist and social critic, Translation: A habit is a rope. The opposite is more of a challenge., Fast jede Frau wre gern treu. rev2023.3.3.43278. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. What does "klammern und bumen" mean in the context of this phrase? Friedrich Nietzsche (Author of Thus Spoke Zarathustra) - Goodreads In the French Revolution, you had your choice between the cruel Robespierre and the great Danton. In aphorism 125 of the book, Nietzsche writes of a "madman" who wanders into the town market crying, "I seek God! But there is also always some reason in madness. }); According to Safranski, Nietzsche intended the ultra-aristocratic figure of the bermensch to serve as a Machiavellian bogeyman of the modern Western middle class and its pseudo-Christian egalitarian value system.[12]. googletag.cmd.push(function() { Zarathustra contrasts the bermensch with the degenerate last man of egalitarian modernity, an alternative goal which humanity might set for itself. is strictly defined as "the insatiable desire to have what rightfully belongs to others", suggesting what Ritenbaugh describes as "ruthless self-seeking and an arrogant assumption that others and things exist for one's own benefit". var e = document.createElement("script"); e.src = ""; document.head.appendChild(e); Are you already preparing the way out that will enable you in your next book to spring up somewhere else and declare as you're now doing: no, no, I'm not where you are lying in wait for me, but over here, laughing at you? Many wise German expressions and idioms talk about the value of persevering, even in the face of hardship. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. return cookiePair[1]; This action nearly kills Zarathustra, for example, and most human beings cannot avoid other-worldliness because they really are sick, not because of any choice they made. Looking for something? And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh. gads.src = (useSSL ? googletag.pubads().setTargeting("sid", "osid.da96cc159b8dddeebb5e693230ccc984"); - Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy! [16][17] The Nazi notion of the master race also spawned the idea of "inferior humans" (Untermenschen) who should be dominated and enslaved; this term does not originate with Nietzsche, who was critical of both antisemitism and German nationalism. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. Want a powerful new weapon in your German learning arsenal? In every Now, being begins; round every Here rolls the sphere There. The German even imagines God as singing songs." Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols. Every week we . function isShowingBuyableFeatures() { Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Out of lifes school of war: What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. var ue_t0=window.ue_t0||+new Date(); The sound of a bagpipe. Are you amazed by French spoken in Canada? 'God Is Dead' and 4 Other Quotes From Nietzsche, Explained googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); Right now I want to talk about this quote that I pulled from GoodReads. // you ask. Golden Words in English with Urdu Translation | Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes Nietzsche parodiert mit seinen Aphorismen die Ernsthaftigkeit groer wissenschaftlicher und philosophischer Theorien. Friedrich Nietzsche, Thoughts are the shadows of our sensations always darker, emptier, simpler than these. Take a look at our favourite language courses. }; , 2. a native German-speaking online tutor about these quotes. [8] According to Nietzsche, the moral doctrine of Catholicism had become outdated. Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt. Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher, Translation: We rarely think of what we have but always what we lack., Wenn die Menschen nur ber das sprchen, was sie begreifen, dann wrde es sehr still auf der Welt sein. Albert Einstein, German scientist, Translation: If people only talked about things they understand, then it would be very quiet in the world., Man reist nicht, um anzukommen, sondern um zu reisen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and statesman, Translation: You do not travel to arrive, but to travel., *Gegen Angriffe kann man sich wehren, gegen Lob ist man machtlos. Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist, Translation: One can resist attack, but one is powerless against praise., Glck entsteht oft durch Aufmerksamkeit in kleinen Dingen, Unglck oft durch Vernachlssigung kleiner Dinge. Wilhelm Busch, German humorist, Translation: Happiness often comes from attention to small things, misfortune often from neglecting little things., Die groe Chance des lterwerdens ist, dass es einem Wurscht sein kann, was die Leute sagen Udo Jrgens, Austrian-Swiss composer, Translation: The best part of getting older, is that you dont have to care what people say, *Wenn ich mein Leben noch einmal leben knnte, wrde ich die gleichen Fehler machen.