This is EXTREMELY uninformed. Also, Dami, Sodom and Gamorah was only said to be evil because they tried to A) rape two visitor (angels mind you) 2) they were gluttonous in their behavior 3) I am pretty darn sure that a gay man was NOT on the committee for writing the Bible 4) the bible also condemns women for having a period.. (I did study the Bible), strict rules can actually push one from God. I attended Asbury in the early 2000s, and I think some rules have changed since then. But let me clear up a few things as I attend college there myself. When so-called Christians give up murder & pork; & they begin smoting doves, I might start believing them. First, he writes that something that can be disputed does not make it a theologically disputed doctrine. Part-timers or those with special circumstances must do so on days when their classes do not begin until after noon. 2:1317; 1 Pet. The problems arise when we disregard our fellow believers who are of weaker conscience. I wonder how they deal with Darwins theory? And if you have to miss which many do at one point or another you get 8 free chapel skips. My e-mail address is I respect your opinion and where its coming from. If the truth is found in the Bible, abide in it, and depart not from it. Instagram. Cedarville University - Niche Thank you for your comment! Amos prophecy describes the restoration of Gods people as involving drinking wine. Thursday nights require a 10:00 PM return time because of devotionals. The school works to develop what God has put into someone, unlike schools like the Ohio State University, which declared to my entering class their goal to fail you in your first year. my child would be at a place which is much safer and God-honoring. She told me that I was uncapable of loving because i had not experienced Gods Love. How rude of her to think she knows my life and that I had not experienced Gods love! I forget to mention the school name Christian We call our student handbook The Cedarville Experience because it includes many of the guidelines and principles that will shape your time at Cedarville. I know that not all Christian colleges and universities are this strict and can be good. They do not prepare you for the real world unless you want to work at and be totally immersed in a strict, judgmental and very dogmatic church for your whole life. The only Biblical justification provided in the handbook is that it is listed as a disputable matter by Paul, which we will get into later. No video games may possess an M rating, nor are students allowed to own movies above the PG-13 rating. I love the Godly atmosphere it gives, and completely disagree with you. So go ahead and get offended on the internet because someone you dont even know wrote down the rules of strict colleges and made snarky comments about them. CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY - 17 Photos & 12 Reviews - Yelp The Cedarville Experience, our student handbook, is designed to help you be successful at Cedarville University. Giving into that division will never bring peace. Admissions is fairly competitive as the Cedarville acceptance rate is 59%. Students hoping to visit any friends of the opposite sex must receive permission from their families and keep it on file with the school as well.. College is not supposed to be your babysitter, it is a learning experience meant to prepare you for the way the world is. Feb 25 (Sat) 3:00 PM. He turned water into wine. That rule only applies to PUBLIC showings of movies, like if a student run organization wanted to have a movie night on the green for the student body. While this is a nice general principle, it is not full proof. Clothing should be gender appropriate. D.A. The decision to use alcohol and tobacco kills nearly 500,000 Americans a year, the porn industry destroys millions, and how many die from abortion. Of those admitted 972 enrolled in the . Long before QAnon, Trump, and Anti-Vaxx, The Dry Pledge was THE Litmus Test of your Salvation. While it usually remains the students choice to partake of such environments, many outside the affiliated fundamentalist organizations may look over their rules and find their jaws dropping. I cant believe you missed out on Bob Jones U finally lifting their ban on interracial dating JUST ten years ago. Sure it hurt like hell but if it helps me be a better wife someday isnt that worth it ? America as a whole is definitely not a good indicator of Gods standards as displayed in the nature of his Son and set forth in his commands. In addition to University prohibitions, state and federal law prohibits the unlawful sale, use, or possession of drugs and alcohol. The admission office refused to release the student handbook until one signed on the dotted line, feet on campus for semester orientation and parents away from campus. For these students, drinking is not only unwise, it is also illegal. I had said I love you. and we hung up the phone. Students caught engaging in premarital, extramarital, and homosexual behavior face the risk of being expelled completely from Dallas Christian College as well. Minor infractions include borrowing and not attending chapel and group devotions on a regular basis. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); These days, college is expensive and not the best choice for everyone. Your email address will not be published. Movies again, the handbook gave the wrong message. Of course, Jesus advocated The Commandments, not hip, redesigned for 2012, laws. For these students, drinking is not only unwise, it is also illegal. While this is undoubtedly true, the policy fails in two major areas. Students are also reminded that underage drinking violates federal law. Getting drunk is still a sin. Its that simple. -Sex (do I really need to explain?) -Engaging in or Supporting Homosexuality, this one is tricky. Forgery, providing incomplete or misleading information, scanning and not attending chapel, or misuse of your student ID card are examples of dishonesty that will result in discipline. To create a healthy environment for our students, and in some cases to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Public Law 101-226, Cedarville University adheres to the following guidelines for all undergraduate students and graduate students enrolled in degree programs on campus, including those students who do not live in campus housing. Cedarville provides the following specific guidelines intended to help all students with their commitment to moral purity: Students are prohibited from accessing pornographic or obscene websites or creating links to such sites. I graduated from ORU, great school! Many colleges with rules similar to these have their students sign a form stating that they have read the rules and agree to live by them mine did. Alcohol use can reduce a persons ability to make good decisions about sex and is commonly associated with various forms of sexual immorality, including sexual and physical assault. Thats what you have to do in order to survive there. I attended Asbury for my first 2 years of college and met my wife there. By banning both entirely harmless things (eg violent movies) and more harmful things (eg smoking, alcohol without moderation) with the same strictness, these schools create an awful situation where students who have the intelligence and insight necessary to see that the ban on the harmless items is a load of rubbish may likewise think that the harmful things will be OK, too. Who is she to judge!? Woah this blog is magnificent i like reading your posts. Those who speak and act to offend may be jackasses etc. But God does not write off enjoying anything unless it is harmful to our bodies or hurts others, neither of which are true about alcohol. Furthermore, the views expressed in this article certainly do not represent those of Cedarville University. Its obviously not an awesome college to go to if you dont want rules, but its not NEARLY as strict as 90 percent of the christian colleges out there. Theres a long thread on the forums at about Pensacola Christian College by a former student who thinks its a cult, and its not accredited. You are loved. I dont know what they are trying to prove by stating the fact that The Passion was rated R for violence in their description. Not sure why you find prohibition of Occult practices to be a bad thing for those attending a Christian university. From my experience, most fundy kids figure this out a few years later than everyone else and finally start making decisions for themselves. For example, can we ever seriously argue that taking jet skis out on a lake or visiting Kings Island are a means of divine sanctification? Lets hope your RA didnt pursue a career in counseling. You arent allowed to have any music by a contemporary artist or anything with even the slightest beat. It was absolute bullshit, but because I had short hair( girl) I guess I wasnt godly enough They are doing more damage to the kids that have no idea what theyre getting into. 3:3; Titus 1:7; 1 Pet. Cedarville police were called to the Stevens Student Center Tuesday morning after a 911 caller reported that a male student had been stabbed. All of these policies supposedly honor the wishes of Jesus Christ and facilitate participation in the encouraged weekend activities of door-to-door and child evangelism, working in churches, and volunteering at nursing homes. However, writing an article does not constitute its topic being a massive social issue. After dusk, mixed groups are not allowed to fraternize without chaperones because having a group of friends including males and females alike is not normal psychosocial behavior it is improper and apparently leads to premarital sex and dancing and other alleged affronts to Jesus. Convocation was not that big of a dealit was actually pretty cool. The administration should be an example of leadership by listening to its student body, a large portion of which would support the change to the student handbook. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do. Just like if we do a 270 double front flip on our jet ski, we are no better or worse off. It might be time for a look at the past before blaming a school for your wifes lack of faith Just saying. 5:1921; Eph. The only strict rule they have is drinking and they wont kick you out if they find out you drank. Look at history. He let a known to be unclean woman wash his feet with perfume. I accumulated more than 100 demerits during my first year and because of this, they did not allow to me to return the following year. I would not refer it to anyone!!!! But most, if not all, of these schools require their faculty to live up to the same or stricter standards standards that the faculty and the school believe are right. ORU has a dress code which is in effect for classes, chapel and in all academic buildings. If anything, its pushing them further away because they feel even more separated from God. They cant dance, cant gamble, and cant even lightly use alcohol or tobacco even if of legal age. Public displays of affection beyond handholding are highly discouraged, as is fraternizing with those of the opposite sex on co-ed camping trips. Stay up the great paintings! You choose to goto these places and you definately visit them and see if it fits what you want a few years of your life to be a part of. If you want to be a Christian, go to a Christian school if possible. I am not a follower of Christianity nor do I have a problem with that, but these establishments are making the entire religion look crazed and judgmental Just sayin. [emailprotected]. Just as with eating food offered to idols, as Paul discusses, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with alcohol consumption. No more needs to be said. OR a girl from State college,, who has photos of herself posted , throwign up drunk in a men`s bathroom, has slept with numerous other men, a couple of abortions behind her, and had sex with strangers on spring break because she was drunk and had to take penecilin afterward, then had to lie to her future husband about it all mmmm i`lll take the girl from the christian college,, thanks. Cedarville ought to take this Biblical message to heart and change their policies to allow responsible use of alcohol. In the most recent statistical year 5,223 prospective students applied, and 3,251 were granted admission . The campus feels more like a prison than a college. I agree that dancing and such is probably a step to far, but the types of people who go to Christian colleges and the like are probably not as bothered by the restrictions you name. If, however, you only ensure that they grow up in an environment where these are banned, this only serves to increase their allure should they ever break free from the strict and dogmatic rules that you place to limit their actions. 31:30). Rules above and beyond that can get in between us and God, but condoning behavior that goes against His ways is very dangerous. 23:3135; Prov. God tried to strike me with lightning for being there but he jk The rigor is tough and the women are drop dead gorgeousbut bottom line, they are human and live life very similar to everyone else, they just do it in a bit of a different way. Just food for thought. Thats whats up. 2A) A proper reading of the Sodom story shows that the sin that was committed was inhospitality to strangers Jesus also sites Sodom in this context, 2B) Lots daughters are offered up to the strangers is this an example of morality? leftover elk tags wyoming; when did rumspringa originate; cedarville university crazy rules Your moral compass seems to be spinning. 6:910; 1 Cor. "Each program at Cedarville University comes from a biblical world view. 10 Strictest College Campuses: 10 Unbelievably Strict College Campuses Its your belief. They rally behind the 10 Commandments, but when asked about their own practices, they quickly throw up the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 9:4 says, Do we not have the right to eat and drink? Paul goes on to argue that we should not do so if it would cause a stumbling block to other believers. The university itself is also strongly anti-alcohol, arguing that consumption of alcohol is inconsistent with a Biblical lifestyle, even though Jesus drank wine and the Bible is filled with positive references to alcohol. Some rules are ridiculous. Welcome to a place where Gods very attributes are slandered and blasphemed. We are also warned to be careful about what we approve and to seek each others mutual edification. Use of alcohol was simply pushed underground out of regulatory bounds and resulted in the creation of a black market. hahaha what a joke, and you call yourselves civilized. I went to a Catholic University in Los Angeles and they do not have rules like that sothere. In conclusion, I dont think that students are better off if they go to these schools, and I would not encourage anyone to do so. The school even governs how students are to go about their off-campus employment as well. For any college that you are considering, know before you go. I agree that drinking alcohol responsibly is not a sin and there should be no shame in that. Ive also chosen to go back this Fall because it follows the Bible and the rules discourage wrong things so it is Much easier to make right decisions! Where did you hear that we couldnt?!?! If you are a student at Cedarville, you know that the university resides in the historically dry town of Cedarville, OH. Welcome to a nation who makes each individual feel entitled to make his own god based on his opinion. Your argument is no better than saying something is right because its in Mein Kampf or saying that Western values are wrong because they upset Osama bin Laden so much he destroyed some buildings. Alcohol use is not repeatedly rebuked in scripture. Students are expected to remove hats before entering class or chapel. But please dont judge women by their sex life or their religion, as people like me will not judge you by the same nor by your faith. D.A. Honesty, refraining from causing harm to others, community, and staying within the laws of the home country all remain relatively reasonable and universal codes that give students structure while still preserving their individuality and bolstering their character. This rule is just so that, again, we dont have students doing the dirty on campus. If you tell your kids what smoking does to their lungs, they wont even *want* to smoke. In addition, all freshmen with jobs must consent to being chaperoned by a prayer captain or one of their assistants or an upperclassman while working. All men and women are expected to dress modestly, stay well-groomed, and avoid tattoos and body piercings. Students re-paint 'The Rock' at Michigan State University, Feb. 15, 2023. You sure do sound like the typical judgemental fundamentalist type that writes these student handbook! Again, how many die every year from alcohol and tobacco? Cedarville University should be on this list its more strict than Liberty. Cedarvilles policy on alcohol is not founded in fact, policy, or Biblical principle. In addition, they must refrain from participating in any pro-gay demonstrations or distribute literature involving equal marital and legal rights for their community. As for dancing it is entirely allowed. Many who attend the strictest places were either home-schooled or went to hard-line fundy christian schools and churches their whole life. Camping trips with the opposite sex arent strictly forbidden; theyre just discouraged. All mixed groups of men and women both on and off campus require the presence of a chaperone to intercede on any behaviors they deem offensive to their conservative sensibilities. Whether you are the religion these campuses represent or not. An act isnt good because God does it a being can only be God if it only does good acts. 2 Tips and 2 Rules from a Maddox RA - Student Life - Student Life It always has been, and always will be. Commuter students cannot cohabitate with significant others or any peers of the opposite sex, either, and anyone hoping to get married before the age of 21 is highly encouraged to seek counseling and receive parental permission. They are private institutions and can set their own policies. Where did you get your information? Cedarville University is an independent Baptist school located in Cedarville, Ohio, which teaches its academics "by Christian tradition" meaning, believing that their take on religion is the only right view, that free speech is a no-no, that gays are evil, that evolution is religion and creationism is science, that the bible is a history textbook and that any TV show/movie/video game/book . Affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church, the College built its first building, Old Main (now called Founders Hall), in 1895. Location & Hours 251 N Main St Cedarville, OH 45314 Get directions But some schools, most especially those affiliated with the evangelical Christian movement in the United States, raise a number of extremely difficult questions with their adherence to a highly restrictive code of values. You heard about how bad these schools are from people who got kicked out? 3:34). Well I attended Pennsacola and BJU and frankly PCC was much better. EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) The 43-year-old gunman who killed three students and wounded five others at Michigan State University had no apparent connection to the campus, police said Tuesday as they searched for a motive for shootings that terrified the community for hours.. Investigators were sorting out why Anthony McRae fired inside an academic building and the student union just before 8 . 2021-22 Student Handbook - Cedarville University While this article certainly peers into their doings from the perspective of an outsider, it admits that the real answers remain entirely subjective and highly nebulous. Behavior that would cause property damage or directly impedes or disrupts the lawful activity of others. We all wore makeup, etc. There is a fence with razor wire enclosing the entire campus. It really sucks that you went to such an awful college. . Some are grounds for immediate expulsion, while others build up over time before a student can be dismissed. ( While I do not agree with every aspect of Carsons analysis, he does raise some key truths about disputable matters.. To be sure, the school was known more for its strict rules back in the 1980s than for its educational prowess, and those rules were sexist (women had to wear skirts) and ridiculous (movie theatres were banned but VCRs weren't). I have yet to understand why people go out of their way to attack our schools when the rules do not affect them in any way whatsoever. i really hope if youre not saved that this eats away at your consciene soo much that you cant live like that anymore and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus ChristJohn 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should NOT perish, but have everlasting lifeso it doesnt matter who you are, what youve done or whatever you case is, God wants to and will save you if you only call on His name. But unless you go, you cant mock it because you havent even been there or checked it out. This, unfortunately is a perk of many religious institutions. such as premarital sex, pornography, etc. We married after she graduated. And in your rush to condemn schools that ban stuff that the book theyre led by tells them is wrong and sinful, you left out the worse stuff. Also, the writer makes it sound as if the faculty of these schools were placing the students under arbitrary rules that go beyond reason. Geez. They are advertised as Christian schools so it would be assumed that it would be mainly Christian people would be attending them. As a former student from 2010-2012, I can attest that convocation wasnt required, students could hang out in mixed groups on and off campus, and public signs of affection are commonplace, and Im not talking about hand-holding. If an institution dedicated to the service of Christ becomes abhorred by those who dont serve Christ, this might suggest that it is doing something right not always, just sometimes. On a related note, outright banning things often just makes them more appealing. This, of course, means any movie above a PG-rating or below a -1 score on (though there exists the very rare acquiescing from the school). As a matter of fact, Im taking a dance class currently!