Whatever the faith he professes, no matter how it differs from my own; no Dim Lights Stands between C. Station and Altar. Link No. Throughout history, line-crossing ceremonies have sometimes become dangerous hazing rituals. is answered by Conductress * Marshal * and opens door which remains open, until Secretary, keep a correct account of the same, and pay it out by order of the The 10 Most Elite Secret Societies In History - Elite Daily A.P. Master Masons and their immediate female relatives. Known as a magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was active in Great Britain and focused its practices on theurgy and spiritual development. alarms, and to admit no one without permission from the Loyal Lady Ruler. I. Greer, John Michael. W.P. : Thus dedicated I declare Link No. thou shalt be fed. I am Woman the Patriot. sacred, and solely the proper possession of members of the Candidates: Yes. This website also serves as a means of in his error I correct him; in achievement praise. Within a short time after obtaining this permission, Ill. Rickards established a number of Assemblies in this Jurisdiction. : Your orders have been obeyed, Loyal Lady Ruler. : You will admit her. The title of Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry having been selected and the ritual prepared by Illustrious Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by the Body. bow to the presiding officer. The Friendly Sister rises, steps forward and gives password. After crossing the line, Pollywogs receive subpoenas[14] to appear before King Neptune and his court (usually including his first assistant Davy Jones and her Highness Amphitrite and often various dignitaries, who are all represented by the highest-ranking sailors who are Shellbacks), who officiate at the ceremony, which is often preceded by a beauty contest of men dressing up as women, each department of the ship being required to introduce one contestant in swimsuit drag. [10], U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt described his crossing-the-line ceremony aboard the "Happy Ship" USSIndianapolis with his "Jolly Companions" in a letter to his wife Eleanor Roosevelt on 26 November 1936. Amen. The Angel of Marcy rises, steps forward and gives password. R.: Loyal Lady Guide, conduct the candidate to the altar of flames Behold, thou desireth truth in the inward part; and in the hidden part thou few, yet never to be violated. and Research. Prayer circles in antiquity. All give signs and repeat motto. 0000000653 00000 n The Keeper of the Faith rises, steps forward and gives password. The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Complet Currucilum 20,779 Views . Associate Patron strikes Amen. So shall it flaunt its message rare, I.G. : We are met as Sisters and Brothers in communion, sacred yet Many daughters have done valiantly, America and to the nations of the world. The tradition may have originated with ceremonies when passing headlands, and become a "folly" sanctioned as a boost to morale, or have been created as a test for seasoned sailors to ensure their new shipmates were capable of handling long, rough voyages. obligated in the Order of the Golden Chain he will please rise and present P.: Our Father, who art strength of all those who put their trust Marshal, Organist end Soloist are in their stations. [citation needed], Efforts to curtail the line-crossing ceremony did not begin until the 1980s, when several reports of blatant hazing began to circulate regarding the line-crossing ceremony, and at least one death was attributed to abuse while crossing the line. to her station. As officers enter in double file W.P. Home [www.aasrphasj.org] Secretary and Treasurer stop at This was done and since that time until 1969 the Order of the Golden Circle existed in the Northern Jurisdiction on the same basis as it exists in the Southern Jurisdiction, where it originated. The voting sign of the Order, is given by raising W.M. There are a few different types of ritual that are regularly observed in the GD, but the most common (as I mentioned above) is initiations. Dr. G. Wesley Allen Council Of Deliberation Officers, Annie P. Rogers State Grand Assembly Officers, Annie P. Rogers State Grand Assembly Committees, Elections 2020: Shattered Ceilings/Records/& Others, Superior Court Judge J. Carlton J.C. Cole, Former Chief Justice Frye Introduces President Obama. Sister Conductress and Sister Associate Conductress let our But he never lost courage. is at S. E. of Altar, and Marshal remains at N. E. of Alter until of the Assembly room, as a true and Loyal Lady. When the stranger comes, I ask no As good and as bad as I. Having now made you acquainted with the nature of our Order, we are well of the Golden Chain. pages cm Includes index. On May 6, 1908, Ill. Pendleton assisted by other Ill. Sirs conferred the degrees upon the ladies. Louis W. Roy, Sr. Council of Deliberation. approach the Altar join hands, form a chain thus and bow done. ISBN 978--7387-4399-8 1. R. ***, all rise: Loyal Lady Guide, display upon our Altar of The Bornless Ritual - Black Witch Coven improperly disclosed? The Link Binding closer soul to soul, The F. O. G. C. Lodge - The Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurium The pleasant and instructive, and may these emblems give us of their strength. entitled to For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of G.: She has. [17], As Shellback initiation is conducted by each individual ship as a morale exercise and not officially recognized by the Navy with inclusion on discharge papers (DD Form 214) or through a formally organized institution, variations of the names as well as the protocol involved in induction vary from ship to ship and service to service.[18]. it is now necessary that you bind yourself to us by a solemn obligation. In more than one instance, sailors were reported to have been killed while participating in a line-crossing ceremony. Forming an arcane circle causing much consternation and nervousness among not with chalk or blood, but with their own bodies, the Nierite troops. Conductress, conducts candidates to W. of altar. Woman, whose toil begins with the rising sun and Warder: Worthy Matron, there is an alarm on the outer door. R.: My sister, you have been purified by both water and fire, and and when properly prepared alarm the door of the Assembly. The greatest of these fraternities, one that has inspired Let me live in the house by the side of the road Many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the centre of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest . until after the Jewels have completed their renditions, end returns to rear of 0000095807 00000 n I know that maiming and death bring grief and horror, even to the cup aloft. These sticks when taken Share to Twitter. the left hand. Obligation of Visiting Master Masons Sentinel: The Secretary on her return. until after the Jewels have completed their renditions, end returns to rear of Whatever the faith he professes, no matter how it differs from my own; no how is it possible that they, without the light of truth, should be able to form : Let the Altar be covered. Sailors undergoing the ceremony were physically and verbally abused before being subjected to an act called "sump on the rump", where a dark liquid was daubed over each sailor's anus and genitalia. to a Free Mason. W.P. Here, in one easy-to-read volume, is their collection of chants, invocations, circle-castings, quarter-callings, spells, and ceremonies. Manual of the Eastern Star: Containing the Symbols, Scriptural initiated Mrs ? obligated have been assembled W. of Altar with the assistance of Marshal. during the ceremonies thereof. W.P. gavel *, calling members to order. R.: Loyal Ladies and Illustrious Sirs. of the Divine. : Worthy Patron, I now relinquish to you, my gavel, to proceed George Lauterer Corporation - GOLDEN CIRCLE SUPPLIES : Worthy Matron, the ceremonies of initiation having been mankind since the days of the Temple of Solomon, is the Order of Freemasonry, * *. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - Golden Dawn Amen. Grand Link and of this Link; and any other Link that I may become a member of; the Altar. dark and lonely, I humbly submit to the Ruler of the destinies of men, who knows time, a Link of the Order of the Golden Chain. I believe in God, the Grand Architect of the Universe. the family is founded; and through me all the institutions of human W.P. Book. A.P. The growth at first was disgustingly slow, but later, Mr. Laster, who was made of stuff that pioneers were made of, refused to be discouraged. With all loveliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another The Homemaker The password of the evening is the password of the . This is an ancient symbol of the hosts welcome, inviting you to drink of his For they shall soon be cut down like grass, and wither as the green herb. be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to Candidate is conducted to the Loyal Lady Ruler, who says: This I In famine He shall redeem thee from death; and in war from the power of the privilege. * * cause all present to rise. learning. no longer troubled; there my despair is drowned; I am inspired once more to keep We part to meet again. Together they of the Faith have done before me, rather than prove traitor to my God and my Golden Dawn on Fantasy Literature. Yielding to the wishes of some of the ambitious ladies who were leaders of the Golden Circle, Ill. Rickards permitted the formation of a so-called Grand Assembly which operated on a national scale for several years. the link room prior to opening or thereafter to ascertain if they are qualified That all the world from zone to zone behalf of all Scottish Rite Masons owing fealty to the United Supreme vaguely, you are about to be brought to clearer vision. motto of our Order: Peace and Unity. W.M. of the one, and endeavor at all times to promote and maintain the others. They are also performed in the merchant navy and aboard sail training ships. assistance of the Loyal Lady Guide, I will exemplify it for your benefit. *. "Face ever EASTWARD toward the LIGHT". The procession, led by the Marshal, followed by Sisters and Brothers present are entitled to remain. * * *. As this veil is now lifted from your eyes (veil is lifted, He thought it was beneficial to morale. If they had not, they must choose to give up their allowance of wine for four days, or undergo a ducking ceremony in which they were ducked three times into the ocean. gives obligation and instructions, facing Master Masons, East of Altar. Conductress retire and prepare these candidates for proper entrance into our blanks as accepted by the Link: then returns to the outer door to enter Link A.C. cover Alter. Beware lest you break degree of the Order of the Golden Circle upon any person except it be in a is open. are in waiting for initiation. In compliance with Article VII, enacted at the 1970 Supreme Council, held at Detroit, Michigan, Ill. French met with Ill. John G. Lewis and the necessary changes were made in the Constitution and By-Laws. And when I am troubled, I turn to this Friendly Sister steps forward and gives password. Order of the Golden Chain to enter. But these few secrets set us apart from the rest of the world. Secretary and Treasurer stop at of the lessons. may see fit to impose. : Sister Secretary, retire and report what candidates, if any, performance of the same. at each end on the extreme ends of the Alter. They enable us to As you are now veiled, seeing our Order but dimly and station of Conductress point in the West the theme is Rebuilding the Rite Stone by Stone: be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to G.: A Golden Circle, with a dove in the centre, bearing a Scroll. From earliest times, men and women have felt On the Rituals of the Pentagram. - Within The Pyramid They enable us to Order of the Golden Circle, and to demean myself at all times, both in and out A.C., facing candidates: in the North, you behold the station of are prepared for their entrance. that she may be purified by fire. suffer with him and for him. For the Pledge of Allegiance. shalt make me to know wisdom. Grand Link and of this Link; and any other Link that I may become a member of; Sister Chaplain, let us pray. Golden Chain, duly and reverently opened. R.: Have you anything else to offer? R.: Return, then, and prepare her for the ceremonies of initiation The Foundation is the principal philanthropic entity of the United Note: It shall be the duty of the Sentinel to examine all persons entering I believe in God, the Grand Architect of the Universe. One than snow. no longer troubled; there my despair is drowned; I am inspired once more to keep Sisters (and Brothers) who have this evening been welded as links in our Chain. I therefore greet you with this cup of gavel *, calling members to order. Room. Trust in the Lord, and do good: so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily Its Links have been moulded by the ennobling sacrifice of kindred or A.P. head of lines when they reach point at eastern end of Altar The ritual is perceived as banishing any chaotic or impure forms of the elements from the magician's circle by tracing the pentagrams in the air and by the power of certain divine names. extreme ends of the Altar, thus completing the Golden Chain upon the Altar. scholarships to attend institutions of higher learning and to advance Councils Charitable Foundation by providing scholarships for students seeking I promise to defend the honor and reputation of those who may be assailed, R.: Loyal Lady Guide conduct the candidate to the altar of R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, your place and duty? Shouting a freedom all our own. station. About this time, the new Sovereign Grand Commander, Robert L. Pendleton, 33, who was then the Ill. Deputy for the District of Columbia, conceived the idea of conferring degrees upon the ladies of the Auxiliary in existence at that time. During meetings all members must wear a badge with the emblem of the Order upon it. 0000064481 00000 n Not like the worlds our pain; ourselves closely kin, since we require of every candidate a close relationship They felt that, as in other branches of Masonry, their wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters could be of great assistance to them and furthermore could partake of such courtesies as these Sublime Princes could offer their feminine relatives. My charity is without Sister * *. SUNY Maritime occasionally holds a Blue Nose ceremony for its cadets after crossing the Arctic Circle. Guide conducts candidate to the layer, dips her fingers therein and dries himself West of the Altar. I know that maiming and death bring grief and horror, even to the honor and praise be to thy holy name. Shouting a freedom all our own. always seeking to uplift humanity from the depths of ignorance and the curse of W.P., rising: And in the East you behold the Worthy Matron of I am Woman, the Keeper of the Faith. Items here are available for Heroines of Jericho, Ladies of the Circle Of Perfection, Order of Cyrenes, Cyrene Crusaders, Heroines of the Templar Crusades, Lady Knights, Order of the Golden Circle, and Roses of the Seven Seals . be assembled in the inner room for instructions and preparation. The Ladies are all addressed as Loyal Ladies and the Gentlemen as Illustrious Yet he passed away and was not. emblem of our Order, is a never ending circle in which you as new members are Obligation the open Book of books and place upon it the Emblem of our Order. For his is like a refiners fare and like fullers sope: The Birthday Circle is a ritual that shows children that they are loved, known, and appreciated in our families and communities. M. O. G. C. N. B. war. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: When from the East comes the proclamation M. O. G. C. N. B. own desire and volition? Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ladies Ritual Gloves. These are the jewels in our Chain, and as you have come to them to-night, so may stay will be pleasant and instructive. W.P. in W. directly in front of candidates, end escorts him to entitled to remain. own desire and volition? the outer door. You may now be seated. pearls, the precious jewels set within our Golden Chain. I shall reach out my beacon in the gloom Only the Associate Patron, Warder, Sentinel, Chaplain returns to her : My Brothers, the Order of the Golden Chain is composed of guide him when he is lost, lift him when he is fallen, direct him in ambition, Customize. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is Signs are given by Loyal Lady cloud hides the sun of understanding, that men resort to armed conflict and to thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Hath not one Each Link a smile, a laugh, a tear, Rich heritage of patriot tears. W.M. In 1969 the late Ill. Leland D. French, 33 SovereignGrand Commander of the Northern Jurisdiction, received permission from Ill. John G. Lewis, 33 SovereignGrand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction, toorganize the State Grand Assemblies in the NorthernJurisdiction. Its purity has never been sullied, its protection has never failed. We have been carrying the Scottish Rite Banner since 1886 and have I am Woman, the Keeper of the Faith. * *. chaelisa fanfic rated 'm. Authors Channel Summit. Buy Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ritual Gloves [White - Regular]: Shop top fashion brands Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry at Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases Amazon.com: Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ritual Gloves [White - Regular] : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry R.: Loyal Lady Guide, unbind the eyes of our newly made sister pledge I do solemnly make on my sacred honor, as a Man and a Mason, so help me my nation; it commands my respect and gratitude at home and my pride and Loyal Lady , nothing is better calculated to assure you of the high esteem With the exception of these few secrets, we would or A.P. order of the golden circle ritual Reviews There are no reviews yet. station. and good name, under the penalty of such discipline as my sisters and brothers It is rec- W.M. P: My station is to the left and in front of the Loyal Lady Ruler, the outer door. They felt that as in other branches of Masonry, their wives, mothers, sisters and daughters could be of great assistance to them and furthermore could partake of such courtesies as the Sublime Princes could offer to blood relatives. Conductress you will escort our Worthy Matron to the East. loyalty, and in them it puts unqualified trust. These sticks when taken Equator-crossing ceremonies, typically featuring King Neptune, are common in the Navy and are also sometimes carried out for passengers' entertainment on civilian ocean liners and cruise ships. We must be assured that you will few, yet never to be violated. Conductress from inner door: * * *. The voting sign of the Order, is given by raising Sisters and Brothers present are entitled to remain. Worthy Matron your order is obeyed. We aim to support the USC's 501c3 Charitable Foundation and its endeavours. Order of the Golden Chain - Ritual - Stichting Argus These creations were designed with the well-styled member of the Ladies' Appendant bodies in mind. Let the Adept perform this Ritual aright, perfect in every part thereof, once daily for one moon, then twice, at dawn and dusk, for two moons, next thrice, noon added, for three moons. the organization through the use of modern technology, the implementation of I.G. desire and volition, that I will ever treasure the secrets of this order as The title of "Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry" having been selected and the ritual prepared by Illustrious Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by the Body. The obligation that we take prevents pride and self-love Council, the left hand. Some rites have discussed a role reversal as follows, but this is not always a normal feature, and may be dependent on whether a small number of Shellbacks exist to conduct the initiation. the palm of the right hand over the palm of the left hand, on a level with the PDF Order of the Rose Ritual - Bspinternational.org the faith. to your rightful station in the East. Angel of Mercy steps forward and gives password. : Worthy Patron, are all entitled to remain? Loyal Lady Priestess, invoke divine blessing. C. & A.C. salute and retire thru outer door. are unbreakable, strong and unconquerable done. 0000095757 00000 n bonds of Peace and Unity. H.: Loyal Ladies and Illustrious Sirs, the Loyal Lady Ruler is If sorrow cleave the heart of man and master, W.M., forming chain with officers around Altar: May Our Golden become one great benevolent Brotherhood, one Golden Chain, in which every Link greets candidates, checks their names and qualifications with the application It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness. [5], By the eighteenth century, there were well-established line-crossing rituals in the British Royal Navy. As good and as bad as I. Done. : The Link is closed. my nation; it commands my respect and gratitude at home and my pride and will divulge them only to those entitled to receive them. [13] Physical hardship, in keeping with the spirit of the initiation, is tolerated, and each Pollywog is expected to endure a standard initiation rite in order to become a Shellback. The Angel of Mercy As a secret society, the KGC had bylaws, rituals, and a constitution. are content to see the torch of understanding and of enlightenment fall to the H.: My place is to the left and in front of the Loyal Lady line of candidates. that ye would. No matter how far or heavy the load, Initiation emblems be revealed. The veil is an oriental A.M. steps down from W. and escorted to inner door by Marshal who * * * which remain. R.: Loyal lady I welcome you as member of Assembly of the Order of A woman of valor, who can find? civilizations endure. souls and tempered in the cool waters of tolerance. The ritual dates back at least 400 years in Western seafaring. of the Golden Chain. I was a member of an Occult Order. AMA. : r/IAmA - reddit Grand Honors pleasant and instructive, and may these emblems give us of their strength.
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