he said Yes, all the time Even though the storm is raging right now, famous poet Maya Angelou once said, Every storm runs out of rain.. While this [lockdown] happens, I draw pictures, I play and I do homework. And both felt a couple of tilts! Thanks to those who care But Corona Ive already caught ya, It been very strange times for us all You MUST NOT leave the house for any reason, but if you have a reason, you can leave the house. Skulking in your man- cave, With wives and children some flie, all for feare! Thank you for signing up! Got stuck in in a dirty great lockdown Who due to a worldwide pandemic Community Poet and Friends of the Arts board member, Diane Pecoraro, wrote some and gathered others from neighbors, which we are . Thank you so much, Nisreen. Our brains are now getting mushy. 1 Her attempts at a trim This poem, however, is about plague: specifically the pestilence of yellow fever which killed 5,000 citizens of Philadelphia in 1793. All teaching is strictly taboo. Lockdown Limerick Challenge for you Share your story! My hair's gone absolutely wild. By the simple touch of our hands. And Ill follow my own rules, not yours!. /Filter I just want to be a good friend. But I will hold your hand, my friend. R The 2.6 Challenge in April 2020 encouraged us to do raise funds in support of British charities.Many chose to do physical things to raise money. R Somehow, the world had passed me by. And set us free again. This is the way we sanitize our hands,sanitizeour hands, For anybody dealing with their mental health demons during this pandemic, please remember you aren't alone. Hygiene is our only shield Without a single trace. The illustrations were my own doodles. hope you like it. Look for the brighter color. Our fears keep us awake a night, seeing and hearing new cases every day, putting us in a state of total confusion, not knowing whats going to happen next. My girlfriend's in need of assistance, By whipping on her scrubs and gloves And get back to painting the town But blue and grey and clear. Have you seen them out, walking on lonely streets who wrote night and day just for Spam Hatred thats sadly endemic. And spreads th infectious influence oer his fame! As we count down the days, -Raven Schewe, age 11. That soon this will be done. The man would say xTMo@]zH+P>R4Q ]&uhe+{w3=x rMP\ck) Feeling anxiety, fear, and seeing massive condemnation, Until again we greet the dawn. Yes there is panic buying. Were delighted to be the first to publish this poem, written in early April 2020, by Caroline Collingridge, who also very kindly pointed us in the direction of a number of the poems already mentioned in this post on plague poems. in so many ways! Alone we all sat, avoiding the ravage And live in a pink dressing gown. Her withdrawal was evident to see, Once, the world was infected, And now within our prison walls, But I am a bookish nerd. How to help Shielding in Bushey Her husband made moves John Davies, from The Triumph of Death. A Limerick is: - A five line poem - Normally humorous/funny - Follows the rhyming pattern AABBA - Usually starts with 'There once was a .' - Lines 1, 2 and 5 - have the same amount of syllables (usually 7-10) - Lines 3 and 4 have the same syllables (between 5-7) 0 Still no flour for us to bake Winston Churchill first said it, well knowing, Those people who we've never met, I sent it to friends and family, asking them to read it, and to contribute money to support two charities - the Trussell Trust, who run food banks, and Crisis, the charity for the homeless. There was a recluse of Verona Next time I see a barber, Her raven wing! Which he by heapes in groundlesse graves interres. writing has always been a passion (specifically poetry) so I just though to share. Up near the stage, more often than not. So trust me, I'm up for this task. Businesses are closed, and schools have moved to online platforms. *There was a lady from sunny Bangkok Alone we all sat, uncertain and torn, When I cant go out. Lord, have mercy on us! Schools wont start till September Two weeks in, a circus of an overenthusiastic clown. And not seeing our loved ones is rough, We are alone but still together, Rachel Pappas, a second year teacher at Davidson Elementary in Katy ISD, has decided to pour her feelings . The girls I knew were pretty and bright. its euphoria Day after day, night after night. Thank goodness for the virtual pub, Mouldy cheddar and flat old beer There is a forest on my head. The decline was unmistakable, Satya Bhattacharya. In lockdown he didnt sit writing verses This was a lovely poem. His wife wasnt keen Five months without physical contact, without a kiss. How did poets of previous generations deal with, and respond to, plague and mass illness? at 8pm clapping Hooray, There was a young wife in lockdown, She grew to roughly the size of a nelly! Our Heartbreaking world is becoming one great big mess. Go forth into the burial-ground and find The author of this poem, Laura Kelly Fanucci, lives in Minnesota and writes a syndicated column titled Faith at Home which is published in Catholic newspapers in the US. Not easy to work or to play The gardens untilled, the boats tied to dock. Surpassing the rest; He liked to take her out daily for a bit of a punt That's so lovely of you to leave a comment. It's timely, playful, and totally relatable. They are a constant shadow. Though sad about everyone dyin'. A lesson may be learned, Limerick city's mayor has said that if people don't behave, Limerick could potentially face a regional lockdown in the future. He tried his hand shearing 1 talking about this. We learn now with mum, this is a new feature, -in love, no matter what comes our way. Jayne Cortez, There It Is. To sign up up for PepUpTheDay.com newsletters, please click here. To sit and cry and wonder, Read time 1 min. There was an old clanger called Major, Without mass objection So begins this poem which Nashe wrote in 1593, when an outbreak of bubonic plague closed the London playhouses (Shakespeare would take advantage of the closure to write his narrative poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, and probably most of his sonnets). By Darren - Fun from Darren and one of the first entries we received. Live life for those who guided us, So none for me, thank you dear Rick. For now, we must all toe the line Was instructed by the N.E.U., COVID-19 has spread across the globe, bringing with it sickness, death, uncertainty, anxiety, and economic upheaval. When leaving her home, Soaping up in the shower And my how the boredom has grown I'm tickled at how quickly men were fooled. Without a frown upon our brow. strange professions and true confessions from a lockdown town (4/17/20), https://patch.com/new-york/upper-west-side-nyc/man-plots-bomb-central-parks-alice-wonderland-statue-da. The master has become slave. The soliloquy is reproduced in full below: (With particular reference to Mrs. ______r and Co.). she found to her dismay I hope he has a machete. 1 Take 30 seconds, be still in your mind; Y esterday, Public Health Mid-West said they had "serious . Was it no? This Covid nineteen, Before the virus, I went to school, everything was happy. Young (c. 1790-1870) was a Scottish newspaper editor who edited The Sun (not that one), but who also wrote largely forgotten poetry. Whose toe was incredibly sore When he said "Yes" - for the NHS And eats it for breakfast, lunch and tea, The virus has caused many harms Yet we're close because we care, 2. Was to make up a rhyme We must find a way to thrive. Have you seen the nurses, tired and worn, She is unable to contain the tears, Dont Feel Glum !!!!!!!!! But as she entered the park No sport, no pubs, no pop concerts, Filling us with irrational fears, But what we don't see Will come from my son, With the help of Pepuptheday We're all in this together. All shopkeepers were closed, all kegs were untapped, Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. And do P.E. If we are in it together, it's not that bad; I think you'll agree. See what nature will bring R Chin-deep in malice shoot their bitter darts His spirit matters little: many dead Yet her boat was sinking fast, This is a fantastic post. Some cake and wine and chocolate, This can't be it; there's got to be more. Photo Lydiane Mattio. Daily life looks very different, and this pandemic has impacted everybody in some way. Bare fridge and empty pasta tub Our National Health Service i'm not sure how this ended up being about punk, but i'll take it. You might also want to check out some of these popular articles: I once wore a backpack and bellbottom pants. I miss visiting my grandparents at their house. Weve had social distancing picnics, social distancing walks, Across much of the globe, the frantic pace and headlong industry of life have been forcibly slowed. I wrote this last year as a way to deal and to understand my OCD during lockdown. I'm a tutor, and I'm looking for great examples of poetry written by kids. It's our actions that define us- His hands she removes Brighter days will follow. I think they must be huge, Who bought a big stick for her walking Davies (1569-1626) was another poet to live through the plague outbreaks in London in the 1590s: London now smokes with vapours that arise The seasons will always change. All over the place She took to walking Yes there is fear. and read books and listened Share your story! Allow your people to have their second chance. Neighbors, friends, and family, The plague is come, a gnashing Madman said, I've been dragging this past week runny eyes weighty feet. I gave the bags to mom. Tim Dlugos, My Death. Today I'm not too sure. Alone we all sat, doors closed and locked. the trees unpruned, ragged and deformed. Waking up without my alarms, So dear friends I do hope youre alert Folks had to observe, Who spent lockdown watching the telly I just want a bit of respect Sounds and sights I'd never heard or seen. Who our lives we have bequest. It can unite us too, our fear. Now I've got the answer you all, Email Will they find a cure? to iron chicken Who used to like to go whalin A virtual assistant in Churchdown So once again our future looks bright. Many chose to do physical things to raise money. But for now, all I ask of you However, the poem sounds far too contemporary to date from the 1860s, and indeed, its actually far more recent in origin it was written by Catherine Kitty OMeara, from Madison, Wisconsin, in 2020. When post-plague world was fine He replied, with a frown, Some sweet solace we might find. Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic Shops will open, buzzing again. Who heard all the news of Corona Is theres no need to tidy the room Stay home: if you can Just sitting on The Nazis could not kill my wife. But how I dont know. 8 In this epic poem, which is available in full on Google Books via the link above, Young tells the tragic tale of the plague that ravaged the island of Malta in 1813 (when Young happened to be visiting the island). Today I got the feeling Is supposedly better for you. In places far away, But was a brave yeah us and our planet. Rich men, trust not in wealth, But the best moments will be when Fought bravely in the Second World War Oh, a brave nurse, that she is. But she walked every day and stayed trim. 0 Listen to the birds sing But we can beat the invader Maths, reading and writing, Then new wonders appeared before my eyes. To ensure delivery of Save the Children emails to your inbox, add support@savechildren.org to your contact list. It was rude and ripe To bless her children with the feast of death! *There was a man from bustling Zurich There once was a family from Fife Never before have so many children been out of school at the same time. hello everyone my names Liliana and I'm a 14 year old school girl from England. With a careless chuck Our lives will change forever, I miss playing with my friends at school. As news chills us to the bone. She is also very fearful, Here are some of the best poems to deal with this terrifying topic. Every Wednesday afternoon at two fifty-twoI peer out my window waiting to catch a glimpse of youas you glide paston your way to your three thirty.Your newest therapistinstills you with such confidence.Clearly you are on the cusp of a clinical breakthrough. In time we will all heal. We have now read and inwardly digested all 133 limericks in the Lockdown Limerick Challenge. I don't know how I'm feeling. getting him out won't be easy. All over the world people are looking at their neighbors in a new way So here we sit, alone, and wait Task: Time for you to write your own 'Lockdown Limerick' using the template below Use the pictures to help you get some ideas - you need to write at least 2 limericks minimum. I think a tiger lives in there; Reflect on a happy, most memorable time. How she cussed, that VA stuck in lockdown! With harsh stentorian tone, disdainful, flings that virulent slime: But just like time, all things will pass, I wanted to be alone again and trapped in darkness. A 2 metre gap to pass by us!! There are gaps and walls between us, But only very briefly. That wonderful girl from Belgravia, My heart was filled with sorrow They slither and hiss and slide. And thats where this series of love poems from lockdown comes in. Maybe I should turn around; NO, that is the last thing I should do. We don't claim to be experts at all but we like the metre, rhyme and sentiment in Val's limerick. In fact she was really quite scary. And animals are stuck on their farms This bored his wife rigid The limerick contest was a delight Poems came to me in morning and night Here are just a few For which I thank you If you feel robbed, you're probably right. I once again felt happy and once again felt free. Funny poems written while in lockdown. She's definitely value for money! During lockdown feels very alone Who usually had nowhere to go All because of Covid troubles No, it isnt a flare of arthritis. The place all closed down Whom we all do adore. To stay current and read even more children's poems that capture life during COVID-19, sign up here. Samaritan Center exists to help people cope, rebound, and heal from the unexpected difficulties life can bring. The whole world is still there. There was a young farmer loved Wales You may opt-out at any time by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any email. Maud has grown her hair to her knee But being unable Which will be seen near my face Have you seen domestics, putting safety first I saw you from across the street and smiled at you from under my mask.You looked ravishing in that snug-fit sweaterand your freshly-coiffed hair.Like the goddess of a small town. To convey what lies inside. Protect us, Lord, and send your healing, Was it yes? They crowd buy touch and bear contagion thence. I know I'm not the perfect fit. If we all keep our hands squeaky clean. Coronavirus Limericks from the Community. Each one faced with the unknown, By Susan - Lots of people relate to the homeschooling issues. 7 And spent furlough in her dressing gown, There was a young girl from Belgravia Main Office By Julian Putley Limericks. Guns and tanks are tinker toys; Friends all took the mickey poems for April 13, 14, and 15complete set can be found at my blog, https://theworldacordingtocosmos.com complete with audio and photo clips, Though movement seems down, things seems to run down, even fun seems down yet we're not down(hopeless/discouraged). Seattle, WA98115 Now like to bees in summers heate from hives, A funny limerick this time Well be holding them tight soon enough. A virus is amongst us. His wife loved him all the more for his keenness. Watching tv and eating It said people, you must stay indoors I went to the library last monthand borrowed every book they hadon the subject of human sensuality.I read them one by onefrom front to back.And still you were not impressed.You said I lacked spontaneity.So I looked to the appendixwhere they suggested Iwrite you a love poem. Lockdown Poems - Modern Award-winning Lockdown Poetry : All Poetry Poems / Lockdown Poems - The best poetry on the web Newest anolderambler Follow Oct '22 Isolated Isolated - but not because of a ping It's such a strange feeling To feel so alone In a city that's heaving Just you, your words and your breathing Temptation increases Here is a poem from an Irish Franciscan, Richard Hendrick, written March 13, 2020. Simon Armitage has written a poem to address the coronavirus and a lockdown that is slowly being implemented across the UK, saying that the art form can be consoling in times of crisis . Our political views mean nothing, A brave nurse, that she is, His one is more consoling while my poem insists more on taking a note on our dependence on God. Dark clouds above will disappear with time. When you have to say goodbye, Who to begin with was incredibly patient It's me and them and you. Some will sadly die all alone. I don't know if I'm sad. A poem for England titled "Lockdown Lines" has been written by poet and broadcaster Ian McMillan. This Virus, too, must spare my life. All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting This ending will be so hard to overcome, The love, the sadness and the hurt. what plaguesthere is no knowing! It took him all day They can stop us from shopping and dining. Can be quite exciting Try to be of good cheer I was deeply moved by Tim Dlugos My Death. Like watching in slow motion someone fall. They fell to the floor, She eats such a lot, Unmerited reflections, vehement, long, Again there's thousands more. They can be clever, naughty or topical and should give the listener or reader a smile or even a good belly laugh. Not Witty, just boring Masks are useless at protecting you against the virus, but you may have to wear one because it can save lives, but they may not work, but they may be mandatory, but maybe not. Val wins a copy of A Sackful of Limericks signed by Michael Palin and a hand-knitted Clanger of her choice. Gaze up at the sky and pick out a star. Yet see so many dying right before their eyes. Which we sit His one is more consoling while my poem insists more on taking a note on our dependence on God. Touched by the poem? "Be alert" so Boris says. Lots of things we cannot allow,
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