The way that the boys were found undressed and tied up would have been humiliating! Unfortunately, the police had such tunnel vision about the reason why they believe the murders had occurred and who they believed the perpetrators were, that they basically ignored what Aarons statements really revealed; they unwittingly lead Aaron away from helping them find the true killers. If they had focused on what the evidence at the crime scene really revealed, in addition to the details from Aarons interview, they would have been looking for a male or males who knew the victims well, were rumored or known homosexual or bisexual men approximately aged from 20-30 years old, and a person(s) who was free to frequent the woods in the afternoons from 5pm- 8pm at night, Monday -Thursday. The question is, why? RIDGE: ALRIGHT, YOUVE BEEN TO YOUR CLUB BEFORE WITH THEM? The manner in which they were tied also tells us about the crime and the perpetrator(s). This theory is supported by evidence as well. He has dead eyes. And finally, if Terry claims he never saw Stevie that day (despite statements from Jacoby, Jamie Ballard and her sister and mother) there is one extremely significant question Terry has to answer: why did Stevie have partially digested vegetables in his stomach? Now what did LG have to hide? So, according to Aarons mother, Vickie, the clubhouse, which was located in the Blue Beacon Woods, was a spot where her son often went to play and any time he was late to come home it was because he was out playing in those woods. And if Aaron's story is true, Terry Hobbs may have been involved in homosexual activities and smoking something in the woods with other men and the boys were possibly caught watching them as they'd done multiple times. Terry and Pam see Dawn Moore and tell her they are looking for Stevie. You have to keep in mind that the statements from Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart are considered hearsay and most likely would not stand up in a court of law alone. That 1 cop will have bumped into everyone in that southern, 90s, dick-liking community. Jacoby is adamant to anyone who listens that Hobbs is not his friend. According to Bennie and Billys account, Terry Hobbs then walked over to the other boys, pulled out a knife and ordered the teens to remove their clothes. And keeping the knife as a trophy? One mystery that has plagued people who have followed the case, is why it appeared that Stevie and Chris were tortured while Michael was not. We can assume this because of the 6:00/6:30 sighting from the service road. He was probably only 5 or 10 feet from the other boys, not 25, as some people believe and 2. And someone like that can lie and lie and lie and lie, rigfht to your fuckin' face,because narcissism is about protecting the self-myth. Each boy had indications of being punched because the contusions did not have deep lacerations with them. I believe that David did ask Terry where Stevie was when Terry showed up at 5:30 and that Terry told him the truth: Stevie was riding his bike and would be back by dark (8pm). HES NEVER SEEN THEM, AARON: CAUSE IT WAS ON A FRIDAY WHENEVER HE WENT DOWN THERE WITH US. Aaron Hutchinson also stated that the clubhouse consisted of some old boards: AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARERIDGE: WAS IT THERE WHERE YOUR CLUB IS OR WAS IT SOME WHERE ELSE IN THOSE WOODS?AARON: IT WAS RIGHT BESIDE OUR UM, TREE HOUSE, And in 2011, pleadings for further DNA testing of the boards that were found next to the clubhouse: Just finished the trilogy and West of Memphis and I noticed something that made THE lightbulb off about him. Is there any possible reason why they wouldnt have stopped? Then, in 2013, Jacoby was summoned to court over the alleged confessions of Buddy Lucas and LG Hollingsworth. This could have given him ample time to clean the area. YOU JUST THOUGHT IT WAS BAD? 5:30pm According to both Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby, Terry and Amanda show up at the Jacobys at approx. In LGs interviews of what he did that afternoon, he repeatedly contradicts himself. RIDGE: WHAT DID THE CLUB HOUSE CONSIST OF? A Calhoun County man has been missing for weeks now, leaving his family searching for answers. Ifvery conservativelyone in every 10-20 people is gay or bi, and the police force is made up of 20 people (just a fun number) one of those cops is gonna like dick. Chris Byers brother and others also confirmed that the boys played in those woods very often and the very first statements made by both Aaron and Vickie were that Aaron and the boys played in those woods and secretly watched men engage in sex. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This could mean that Terry could have arrived sometime between 8:45 and 9:00pm. He will take it to his grave but some people in the town know and I'm not sure why he isn't and wasn't under more suspicion. And the family even admitted that he was making Stevie participate in these acts of abuse against his sister. UNLESS YOU KNOW NOT GETTING UP THERE AND LOOKING AT IT ALL. Terry's guilt or innocence doesn't even cross that 1 cop's mindthe only thing that matters is NOT being discovered for liking dick. Is it merely a coincidence that Terry Hobbs was a former butcher and that he grew up working on his familys pig farm? The boys were not simply tossed in, but carried down the ditch and methodically pushed deep into the mud so they wouldnt float. He also confirmed that one of the teens, Buddy Lucas, had admitted to his involvement in the murders with the other three men. Furthermore, in the alleged confessions, Terry states: The bodies cant be found, at least not yet.. I believe its likely that LG and Buddy most likely used only their fists to hit the boys. On May 6, 1993, three boys are found hog-tied and murdered in a ditch in West Memphis, Arkansas. A Calhoun County man has been missing for weeks now, leaving his family searching for answers. The final sightings of the boys had them heading into Robin Hood Hills at 6:30.(source). Not even Damien, Jason or Jessie had any of that happen to them, and they were the ones who were falsely arrested for the crime. I still think about it regularly. I believe it is because the truth had finally and for the very first time, been exposed. Basically, anything that both sides agree with I consider to be a fact because its gone undisputed. So although at least some experts said the boys were not punched, I dont believe thats true at all. Meaning to me that he was the third one caught). As they were riding around the street, Terry and David drove by on Barton (Barton would have lead them directly out of the neighborhood, taking them to 7th street which leads up to Lakeshore) and David saw them in the street. (source) Additionally, a roommate of Richards also testified that LG was not at their home on the 5th but that he remembered LGs mother calling looking for him. ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. If Stevie was going to go inside and eat dinner, this might have lead Chris Byers to decide to go home and eat, too, knowing that he would also get in trouble if he didnt show up. The nude, bound and mutilated bodies of three eight-year-old Cub Scouts were found in a water-filled ditch in a forest near their West Memphis, Ark., homes, one day after they disappeared in May, 1993. that was a red flag to me, alright. Expelled From Law School, Dad Convicted of Mom & Brothers Murder. What was he doing for so many hours in that small patch of woods? YOUVE SEEN THE CLUB HOUSE, VICKIE: UH-HUH (YES) I HAVE SEEN IT SEVERAL TIMES. He did not tell me who he was calling, and he did not tell me that Stevie was missing, Pamela previously told investigators. Richard took another polygraph saying that LG was not with him the night of the 5th and he passed. For some reason, unknown to the public at least, Terry Hobbs was never questioned. was terry hobbs ever found - Coincidence? This too, may have further contributed to the injuries on the left side of his face. AARON: ITS, ITS IN UH, ITS IN THOSE WOODS WHERE UH, WHERE THAT STOP SIGN IS AND ITS. To corroborate this letter, Byers and Hicks lawyer and investigator contacted Bennies friend, Billy Stewart. The Puzzle of the West Memphis Murders He believed that one of the men told the others what to do, because they always did what he said. RIDGE ALRIGHT, DID SHE KNOW WHERE HE HAD BEEN? 8 A. I really wonder if Aaron did see something, at a previous date. Terry Wayne Hobbs was born on May 21st, 1958. [2] Judge Brian S. Miller dismissed the case and subsequently ordered Hobbs to pay legal fees incurred by the singer in the amount of $17,590. That he was still wearing the same clothes is very telling. The West Memphis Three Case: An Evolving Story of Doubt Dana Moore was there the entire time; she never left. 'Forgotten West Memphis Three' doc aims to give victims of notorious Billy was merely contacted to corroborate the letter, which he did. I dont know what L. G. is capable of, and I am not saying that he would do it, and I am not saying that he wouldnt, but I know Damian. The evidence that supports this theory is in the injury to Steve Branchs face and back of the head. two hours to clean up the blood at the scene. I TOOK AARON TO TODD AND DANAS HOUSE AND UM, TODD ASKED AARON IF HE MIGHT KNOW DID CHRIS OR MICHAEL SAY ANYTHING TO HIM, TO THE EFFECT WHERE THEY MIGHT BE. An attorney for one of the victim's mother dropped the bombshell in court today that she believes her ex-husband Terry Hobbs took part in the killings. I allege that LG was confronted by his parents because of some evidence that pointed to his guilt, and when caught, LG told them that Damien had committed the murder and he that had only helped them in some small way. Additionally, Stevie had what appeared to be bruises on the back of his head. I believe as David dragged Chris with him back to the others, he picked up one of the boards that lay in the open nearby. Terry Hobbs grew up working for his dad as a butcher; his job was to tie up cattle and hogs, transport them, butcher them and to possible even prepare and bind the meat. In the south in the 90s, the community of dick-havers who are into dick will come from all walks of life and have all sorts of jobs. Terry is an absolute sadist, psychopath and was never properly investigated, and I know The Hobbs Family Secret is true, possibly The Puzzle. Lastly, even David Jacoby, friend to Terry Hobbs, testified that when Terry arrived at his home at 5:30, he asked Terry where Stevie was. Additionally, his cousin, Charlotte claims that he was at Lakeshore before the murders, left and did not come back till the next day. RIDGE: OKAY. I allege that he ordered the three to tie up the boys and explained that they should all be tied up in the same manner. She claimed to have seen the two walking as she was on her way to pick up her sister from work but there are serious problems with her statement. My only guess is that they already had their sights set on Damien at that time. In my opinion, it shows that this theory is actually exactly what happened. The new evidence establishes that the last person who had custody of the three boys before they vanished and died was Terry Hobbs. However, I do believe that this was Terrys murder and he controlled it. I believe that inhismind, the boys deserved what they got because they shouldnt have been spying. VICKIE: UM, WEST MEMPHIS POLICE HAD ALL OF THE AREA ROPED OFFRIDGE: OKAYVICKIE: I WENT TO THE DEAD END IT WAS YOU KNOWRIDGE: DEAD END? ( source) One of the most significant pieces of evidence to support this allegation comes from the medical examiner who did Stevies autopsy. Ive been trying to bridge what Peretti said happened with what the defense experts said. (1). RIDGE: ONE TIME, WERE THEY, WERE YOU ALL WATCHING THE FIVE MEN DOWN THERE THAT TIME WHEN HE WENT WITH YOU? In 1993 Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart were both very close with a mentally slow teenager named Buddy Lucas. However, I do believe the women saw the three boys and that they also saw them with Terry Hobbs; they testified under oath and under penalty of perjury and they are credible sources. Apparently, he had told family members that his mother found a pair of his bloody shoes and when he talked about the murders at work, he lead people to believe he somehow knew something or was in someway involved. RIDGE: SO HOW ABOUT DO YOU KNOW STEVE, DID HE EVER GO DOWN THERE WITH YOU?AARON: UM, ONLY ONE TIMERIDGE: ONE TIME, WERE THEY, WERE YOU ALL WATCHING THE FIVE MEN DOWN THERE THAT TIME WHEN HE WENT WITH YOU?AARON: NO, HES NEVER WE NEVER TOLD HIM ABOUT IT. When I rewatched PL1, Pam and Terry had broken up when she did the interview outside when she put Stevie's scarf on her head (she was in a red dress). Also, by looking at the photo of the ditch where the boys were found, you can begin to have an understanding of what might have occurred. There is both an interview and an affidavit signed by Jacoby and neither of those mention anything about Terry propositioning him. I know that all the experts agree that Michael was unconscious while he was tied up but I dont know about Stevie.. At this time, I was afraid that Terry would rape, harm or even kill me. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moores parents asked Aarons mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. West Memphis 3 murders Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. As mentioned earlier, Terry Hobbs, like John Mark Byers before him, was fingered as a suspect in 2012's West of Memphis after a hair found at the crime scene was genetically matched to him. When Dixie told her of him coming in to the laundry in the small car she asked if she was sure that it wasnt Richard Simpsons car. What Buddy said was shocking. With what we know about Stevie and how much he feared Terry, it seems impossible that Stevie would have been the child who kicked Terry. random bruising on legs that don't hurt madonna university room and board was terry hobbs ever found. I think David Jacoby made a mistake/ a slip when he claimed that he saw the three boys, two on bicycles and one on a skateboard on the street when Terry showed up. Terry Hobbs Breaks His Silence | He ends up staying and watching TV with Amanda. Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 and grew up in Northern Arkansas. These statements have protected Hobbs for seven years. West Memphis Three: New possible suspects named in the brutal 1993 West Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of eight-year-old victim Stevie Branch, has been named in documents released in Marian, Arkansas by the attorneys for Pam Hobbs, Stevie's mother. No matter whatgreen vegetable Stevie ate, the fact that it was a green vegetable and that it was partially digested shows that Stevie had to have eaten some vegetables sometime between 5:00 and 6:30. Its possible. She claimed to have seen the three eight year old boys when she dropped LG off, but it was a very shaky sighting. Its my personal opinion that the evidence presented here should put all debates to rest because both sides have at least some truth in their corner. At the time of the murders, LG was only 19 and spent most of his time with an unmarried man who was in his 50s. It is my belief that only Stevie and Chris were stripped at this time because Michael was most likely already unconscious. New DNA testing by the defense shows that none of the genetic material recovered from the murder scene links Echols, Baldwin, or Misskelley to the scene. However, since LG was wearing a tie that day and the alleged confessions state the teens wrestled, its my belief that LGs shirt and tie had been removed for the entire murder, which meant that it was clean. This means that the boys had most likely arrived to the Blue Beacon Woods before the four men did, crossing over from the west side of the drainage ditch to the east side of the drainage ditch, on a log that lay across the ditch at the south end. In Jareds interview with Hobbs, one of the biggest red flags, according to Clemente, was that Hobbs waited until around 9 p.m. to contact the police and report the child missing, despite no one seeing Steven for hours. And also bit him in his penis perhaps once or twice. Terry claims that he dropped Amanda off with Bobby, Davids wife and that he and David then scoured the neighborhood looking for Stevie, which makes no sense. oh boy. Aaron claimed that he and his friends would go to the woods, hide, and spy on men as they smoked marijuana and had sex. Its likely that Terry was already heading to Billy Stewarts home since, according to Billy, he was Terrys drug dealer at this time. Therefore, it was likely that the person who either killed or tied Michael up, was carrying a knife. First of all, something led the perpetrators to get into the water. Stevens mother, Pamela Hobbs, worked a shift at the Catfish Island restaurant the day her son vanished. If anyone might know where the boys were going or what their plans had been for that day, it would most likely have been Aaron. He dropped by the other parents home at the first chance he got, made an appearance and a statement that implied hed been out looking for the kids. ~Also, during trial, Perreti said about ten times that the weapon was probably a 24. Also, according to LGs aunt, Dixie, LGs mother, Linda, came to her work the next day asking where he had been the night before. He is an evil man and true psychopath and the type of man to tie those boys the up the way they were found. HE SAID NO, THERE, YOU KNOW YOU CAN TELL WHEN YOUR CHILD IS LYING AND IT WAS LIKE HE KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP. When the police asked Aaron why he thought his friends were murdered, he told them that he believed his friends got caught spying on the men and that the man with the white tank top told the others to hold them while he killed them. It is completely illogical to believe that LG would have driven nearly ten minutes away to get the phone number of someone who was in walking distance from him. The West Memphis Three Trial: Who was the real killer or killers? Twitter. LG, as well, had raised some suspicions himself by carrying on an unusual relationship with a much older man. The most significant of them all, was the specific act of taking the bikes to the bayou, which were very likely with the children inside the Blue Beacon Woods. AARON: IT WAS, WHEN EVER WE GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WE WENT THERE ABOUT FOUR, AARON: AND THEY NEVER GOT THERE BEFORE WE DID. In both Billy and Bennies statements, i.e. VICKIE: ANY TIME MY CHILD DIDNT COME HOME ON TIME THATS WHERE I WOULD LOOK FOR HIM, RIDGE: OKAY, YOU HAD BEEN THERE ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS? This means that the four could have been driving around the back streets for around 25 minutes and then might have pulled up to the Blue Beacon Woods sometime around 6:40. Stevie knew Terry well. The two teens jumped in the truck with the men, stopped by Billys home and bought the weed and then drove around the back streets of West Memphis, smoking and drinking whiskey. Is there any other reason why hed admit on national television that he lied? I have recently taken a huge interest in this case, and found that there is misinformation literally everywhere. In part 3, when suing Natalie Maines, he said he wanted The Dixie Chicks to be "humiliated" as punishment when asked what he really wanted out of the lawsuit. Terry and David are not the only ones with suspicions and allegations of homosexuality surrounding them, though. In that letter is a story about four men going to the woods, smoking marijuana and possibly engaging in sexual activity. DO YOU THINK THEY WERE CRAZYAARON: THEY WERE SMOKINGRIDGE: FOR DOING WHAT THEY WERE DOING?AARON: THEY WERE ROLLED UP UM, CIGARETTES THERE WAS ALL KIND OF WHITERIDGE: KINDA WHITE CIGARETTES?AARON: ALL WHITETHE KIND YOU ROUND UP YEA YOU PUT THAT GREEN STUFF IN THERE. VICKIE: HE STAYED. RIDGE: ALRIGHT. I believe that certainly Buddy, and perhaps LG as well, participated in the crime because of The Bystander Effect; they partook in the crime out of fear and/or compliance, but they did not have intentions to murder. In fact, she too brings up that Buddy was working that day as if that proved anything. evil" when he loses his temper and "he doesn't get mad, he gets 'even'". What people forget is that we dont knowwhosaid that Terry propositioned Jacoby. AARON: NO, HES NEVER WE NEVER TOLD HIM ABOUT IT. If this is to be believed, it makes sense. We know this because it appeared as though Stevie had struggled while he was restrained.
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