Equestria at War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. While much longer than the alternative, this branch allows you to remove almost all the negative effects of the national spirits you gain, turning them into purely positive ones. ), Pick Hempstrand's Socialist Agrarian Party, Halfway through you'll get an event which gives you a new focus tree. ), Once you're finished with the decisions you'll get an event (Erebus will step down and restore democracy. Ambrosius rules as a single dude. Each segment is self-contained, and focuses in it can only be taken if the last focus of the segment is not yet completed. Barrad starts with 15k ponypower deployed, consisting of 7 infantry divisions, 6 of which are only 2-width noblepony groups. equestria at war barrad guide. Any tips on how to blitz equestria as the changelings so that I can get to the ELF without having changelings at the end of the tech tree waiting to nuke me? Luna must choose who to seek support from. Friendship wins!-If the entirety of the Pentarchy become friends with each other, they peace out and you get the standard placeholder focus path. What are all the paths for the Barrad Magocracy? : r - reddit The last requirement is that Viira must have less then 1.2k resources when she ignites the reactor; collapsing Asinti's temple will cause a massive drain on Viira's resources, which can easily put it under 1.2k. Today we venture deep into the cursed woods of Barrad, where science and magic both mingle with the dark arts. With the last focus you can pick the mayor, pick yourself (You get a new focus tree and create a technocratic state. Each month, every single casualty you inflict in war will give you one blood. Barrad: a place of dark magic and mysterious curses, where even its name can strike fear into the hearts of creatures. Each has a resource count which can be increased through various means, and can be used on their decisions for buffs and decreasing the negative effects of Outdated Industrial Sector. All may seem well, but the Changelings to the north remain united, now eyeing Equestria with a new desire: revenge. Barrad became shrouded in mist and clouds, nopony knowing what was happening within for weeks until they cleared. Building up power and influence, one day he finally made his move. However, in these changing times, the fate of nations no longer rests upon shoulders of heroes, but politics and military might. fantastical world of Equestria from the My Little Pony franchise, dimmed A well educated and accomplished general from the Equestrian military, Prince Blueblood rode his popularity as a hero of Equestria and his traditionally inherited power as a prince through the elections and into his new role as the executive of the nation. But Sombra, bitter with his imminent imprisonment, cursed the Crystal Empire, locking it away along with him. This can be a research boost or malus, increased or decreased relations between Pentarchy members, and more. He wields nothing more than a shovel, but is a master at using it to dig trenches. Despite the Diarchial power structure, Equestria has always been ruled by Celestia, leaving Luna to assume a supporting role. Equestria At War 1.8.3 "In the Shadow of Mountains - Mod DB Each region provides 7-12 infantry divisions at near full equipment level, each with 6 infantry battalions and a support artillery battalion. Never again. Hailing from the wide, warm open plains of southwest Equestria, Maxos Eternal was part of the last generations of rural frontierspony and later a successful landowning rancher. Barrad Magocracy - Equestria at War Wiki Ruthless in his business tactics though perhaps not the sharpest at governmental administration as demonstrated by his first and only term as Mayor of Ponyville, his skills at the trade floor translate well to the negotiations table in economic matters. Squarefic | Home You can raid nations. However, this age of expansion and victory would not last. The eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Is it after the civil war or when does it start? With the last focus you can pick the mayor, pick yourself (You become Generalissimo and get a new focus tree. Silver Star will be able to instantly deploy forces straight from creation, so taking advantage of his large ponypower pool is recommended. The first is forming the Grand County of Barrad, which will give +0.25% compliance gain and allow you to core Kasa and Gryphus, utilizing the war goal decision you get on them, with Gryphus' being if you chose the relevant focus in the first section. (No more people asking for how to get secret x or path y.) The reign of the Mad Count of Barrad had begun, with the ponies unable to flee becoming playthings. The central branches start the industrial focuses. However, you must also prevent the fight between the Pentarchy and Viira when the reactor starts. ), Have Suntriker remain in control (via gamerules is possible), Do the 'The Wedding' focus (You marry Sunstriker), Go with Silvertalon in the event Conrad and Konrada, Do the focus the First Engelberg Government, Wait for the event Bullets Fly (Engelberg will be assasinated), Wait for the event Raindrops to receive an expanded focus tree, (You will create military constitutional republic after your failed republican attempt), Go with Wavewing in the event Conrad and Konrada, Just do focuses until you get the event The Halls of Rosewood, The final event is The Declaration. COMPREHENSIVE. Ever since the three tribes fled the Windigoes from the north, they have called Equestria their home. Their achievements in defeating Discord, King Sombra, Lord Tirek and other terrors have become legendary. Together, these creatures form the Pentarchy, the masters of Barrad. ), Have the social-democrats win and you get your focus tree (You are a social-democratic state, you can even work together with Equestria. Silver Ascension. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She has a fierce, dominant temper and ensures cadet ponies under her command master the art of flying. Behind the scenes, her alter ego Nightmare Moon will attempt to prepare for, and provoke, a civil war. With Leopold's hero division, any border war you attempt should be won easily. However, the fight can be made much easier by killing Leopold after defeating the Titan and killing Silver Star after going through his library, and allow you to save more resources as well. However, in these changing times, the fate of nations no longer rests upon shoulders of heroes, but politics and military might. Zombie caste system ensues. The recent campaign to welcome the Fourth Tribe into Equestria has changed this, and Princess Luna has now assumed a complementary role alongside her sister, working to realise the dreams of her subjects. However, these paled in comparison to the surprise invasion by the Changelings in 1002 ALB, a race of insect-like shapeshifters from the north who fed on the love of their victims. Equestria has been inhabited by ponies for thousands of years. The County of Barrad will become more in-line with a typical nation, gaining illiteracy and poverty. She is the sole inhabitant of the monster-filled Everfree Forest and is a skilled brewer of potions who speaks solely in rhymes. Fast Clip is a member of the Wonderbolts and acts as a drill instructor, training cadets for the Wonderbolts Academy. Otherwise, the chance varies from low to almost-certain. Despite how the tree looks, each part of the focus tree must be fully completed before you can move downwards. Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match. Yet I never get a decision or focus to decide her fate and when I tag switch back to Equestria and reconquer the Empire, no dice. Having it above 70 can provide a positive national spirit as well as new available options, but having it drop below 30 can give a mixed national spirit and result in unforeseen consequences. For Viira to take her place as the Herald of Barrad, she must first defeat the surviving members of the Pentarchy before claiming the reactor. and our Easy to mass produce, these special battalions can be outfitted with magical infantry equipment instead and will support Leopold himself in warfare. See the Solar Empire page for further information on playing as the Solar Empire. Barrad does not start in a good situation in 1007. -Horse wins immortality, loses all the good looks he had. He is also very prejudiced against anyone who is not a pony, openly referring to non-ponies as "creatures" in a dismissive manner. Shared between them is another research slot and an increase to your scientific base. After almost single-hoofedly turning around a naval battle in the middle of the night against a much larger enemy force Evening Squall was first given the nickname "Nightmare of Solomon" by enemy forces but it was soon adopted by Equestrian naval personnel. However note the 119 day completion time - don't take it just before a changeling war. However, it is not until Waking The Titan that he will be at full strength. He was a stallion who cared very much about his fellow equine and looked to make his mark helping others, becoming a key figure in maintaining the Equestrian food supply and overall rationing system when the Lunar Civil War broke out. The bottom-left branch will further expand your industry and allow you to achieve Modern Society, while the bottom-right will have doctrine choices between Grand Battleplan and Mobile Warfare, as well as an event between Gas Weapons or Biological Warfare. Prince Blueblood is a distant nephew of Princess Celestia and thus belongs to the royal family. Not only that, but any state you control that doesn't already have the Barrad Climate modifier can be given it, which also gives an instant 30% compliance. Now that war is on our doorstep, perhaps we can give him a more serious duty to fulfill. equestria at war barrad guide - signage2k.com At the behest of many of his fellows in the army, he reluctantly joined the rising democratic movement during an R&R period during the Lunar Civil War. Several years ago she earned a rocktorate in rock science and is an unparalleled expert on rocks. These technologies can provide very substantial bonuses to Barrad, but require the corresponding member to be alive. See the Lunar Empire page for further information on playing as the Lunar Empire. Instead of going for a rapid unending attack on the Riverlands, Silver Star instead turns his nation into a true kingdom, one of eternal life through undeath. Trying to take on all three members is highly difficult and ill-advised, and it is recommended to have killed off at least 1-2 other members before igniting the reactor. If the player has chosen only peaceful options in the events prompted during the path, then she will always succeed in resisting Nightmare Moon. Raven Inkwell is Princess Celestia's personal assistant and helps her with administrative tasks and tedious paperwork, such as organizing celebrations and signing peace treaties. Press J to jump to the feed. ), Complete the 'Pilgrimage To Magehold' focus, Complete the eventchain, might take several tries. No longer the holders of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia and Luna's banishment spell on Sombra and the Crystal Empire faded, returning both the Empire and Sombra to Equestria. Her leadership and organization skills means she would do an excellent job at guiding the magical research department, and she is excited to take the job, even if it means she has to temporarily step down as the headmare of the School of Friendship. An alternative is simply killing off your soon-to-be enemies before the fight even begins, to make it easier or even prevent it entirely. Equestria At War "Shores of Zebrica" Dec 24 2022 Full Version A Bright Future will change your development to Modern Society. It's well known that she happily gives out her expensive dresses for free, and is indeed happy to work for the greater good of Equestria if necessary. There are Crude Clockworks, the weakest and cheapest type, Military Clockworks, which are more expensive and powerful, and Commanding Clockworks which increase the division's organization. Yet there is a fourth tribe - the Thestrals (batponies). His is the largest of the three Pentarchy members, having two distinct paths available depending on whether you gave your undead autonomy. And, when the time comes, each won't be afraid to betray the others. Any enemy state close to your border can be nuked endlessly by Viira, creating complete devastation. While hard to imagine, Barrad has not always been the place of dark magic it is now. He is widely known to be an arrogant and lazy snob, which is why it was a great surprise when he volunteered to join the officer corps of the Equestrian Army. Luna may give in or resist. Flash Magnus is a legendary member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion and a Pillar of Old Equestria who only recently returned from Limbo. The princesses defended the kingdom throughout its early age from monsters, demigods, and disasters, and in doing so they discovered the Tree of Harmony, wielding the magic of its Six Elements, being Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Magic, Loyalty, and Generosity. They happily work together to maintain their stranglehold on the region, but each pursues their own agenda, and won't be afraid to betray the others when the time comes. Each focus will give short and/or long-term benefits, and while you can take all of them before moving on in the focus tree, it will be very time-consuming. (You will take revenge upon the Griffons and salt/burn their lands so they may never rise again.). There is a catch, though. Pentarchy Dead!-Whoops, all corpses! The more autonomy you have given to your undead, the more powerful your new generals will be. Do all the focuses and conquer all the territories so you can do the focus A Grateful World. There are also Thestrals (also referred to as Batponies), who are night-dwelling cousins to the Pegasi, and are occasionally considered the fourth equine race. He proved to be a capable and fair leader who turned down promotions to an officer several times. If he considered Asinti and/or Silver Star enemies, they will be killed, but if they were considered friends than Leopold will allow them to become generals once more or act as advisors, which will be represented by national spirits. ), Complete your new focus tree (In the end you shoot Grover VI and you get a new focus tree. Equestria starts as a continental superpower, with a large industrial base, a decent army, some of the best tech in the game (second only possibly to Stalliongrad ), and two puppets ( Crystal Empire and the Commonwealth of New Mareland). Therefore, it may be a better idea to pick and choose the focuses you want to save time. Equestria has a variety of political and industrial focuses available to it. The Luna led reforms lead to a long character arc about Luna, and are more dangerous - they can remove the spirit at almost no cost, but can also lead to civil war if the player is not careful. The second is reforming the Kingdom of Wittenland, granting coring opportunities on it, Austurland and Ponaidhean. Have the syndicalists win and you get your focus tree (You are a syndicalist state and can be aggresive. Maud Pie, full name Maudileena Daisy Pie, is Pinkie Pie's elder sibling. Maintain the Status Quo helps with Yakyakistan and Olenia, providing Equestrian influence to launch a coup in Olenia and an envoy to Yakyakistan that will allow a guarantee, and eventually allow you to call them into a defensive war. Equestria at War is a Hearts of Iron IV mod that seeks to recreate the Naturally, the player will want to reach it as soon as possible. Dread league spoilers im mad I didnt get the ending event. ), Do the convention until you get the event Suspicions, pick the option Thats nonsense., The fascists will win the convention and an eventchain surrounding Povner will start, In the event The Showdown pick the option Or id rather not. Lead by the Pentarchy, a group of five creatures free to pursue their aims with no oversight or qualms, the ponies that live in Barrad are treated as nothing more then experiments. For Cyanolisia: I added it with the Asterion secret as you can also do it as Asterion. With the power of their love, Shining Armour and Cadence managed to thwart the invasion and repelled the Changeling forces out of the country. Welcome to the fan-run wiki for Equestria at War, a mod for the Paradox grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV. He's regarded as the most important pony in the capital alongside the Princesses, and indeed wields considerable influence.
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